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Trauma in the Body: An Interview with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.founder and medical director of the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusettsis professor of psychiatry at Boston University Medical School, and director of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. His newest book, The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, offers a revolutionary new understanding of the causes and consequences of trauma a... posted on Apr 21 2018, 61,637 reads


Humans. Horses. Hope.
You have probably heard of a guide dog, but have you ever heard of a guide horse? This series of videos shows that, just like dogs, horses can help people with disabilities to live better lives. They help blind people move around in crowded places, help children to develop balance, and act as a companion for people in need. Enjoy these heart-warming videos!

... posted on Apr 20 2018, 4,146 reads


A World Where All the Gazi's Go to School
Gazi Jalaluddin has a clear vision: a world where no "Gazi" has to stop going to school. Poverty forced him to quit school as a child. He ultimately became a taxi driver in Kolcalata. By asking passengers to donate books, old clothes or medicine, he has helped many children return to their studies. By 2012, Gazi had also created two schools for 425 students and built an orphanage. Gazi's belief in... posted on Apr 19 2018, 11,055 reads


Re-inventing Work: An Interview with Matthew Fox
An early and influential proponent of "Creation Spirituality," which recognizes the Divine in all creation and all creation in the Divine, embracing Buddhism, Judaism, Sufism, and Native American spirituality as well, Episcopalian priest Matthew Fox draws inspiration from the Catholic mystics such as Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Aquinas, Saint Francis of Assisi, and especially Meister Eckhart. In t... posted on Apr 18 2018, 0 reads


Good Morning, Beautiful Business!
It is not just recycled packaging or open hiring practices or good benefits or green sourcing that make a sustainable business. It takes a deep commitment to a particular place and substantial effort to weave together all the threads of that place--people, land, and community--to create new economies that can counteract the devastating effects of the global economy. Judy Wicks, owner of White Dog... posted on Apr 17 2018, 7,926 reads


In Praise of Crooked Things
"Maybe we once believed that "straight is the gate and narrow is the way" and went in search of it. But look how Nature moves in curves and curlicues. Perhaps that's why I love the many crooked trees even more than the few arrow-straight ones. They look like they've fought for survival in a tough world. Like you. Like me. Notice how they grow both up and sideways, twisted and curved from battling ... posted on Apr 16 2018, 10,748 reads


Are we losing our humanity? Is humankind becoming humankinda?" In this humorous and insightful video, actor and comedian Sam Richardson explores why we're always in motion, plugged in, and overworked. Through simple breathing practices, and giving ourselves permission to slow down, even to do nothing at all, we can get in touch with what it means to be human. This short video shares more about the... posted on Apr 15 2018, 4,263 reads


That Friend Walking Behind Me
In this beautiful reverie, Parker Palmer imagines a friend who has been walking behind him all the time, calling his name. The inner friend finally has to resort to depression to wake him up to ask himself what he really wants behind all his activities, and to help him realize he isn't alone. It's not the intellectual self or the ethical self or even the spiritual self, but what Thomas Merton call... posted on Apr 14 2018, 13,723 reads


Paul Hawken: Solutions Man
"On May May 3, 2009, Paul Hawken stood before the graduating class of the University of Portland. He'd been asked to deliver a commencement address that was "direct, naked, taut, honest, passionate, lean, shivering, startling and graceful." No pressure, he joked to his audience. Rousing the spirits of a few hundred young people embarking on a century of climate change, terrorism and extinction was... posted on Apr 13 2018, 13,808 reads


The Very Best Way to Pray for Peace
When a CIA analyst began an interfaith quest for citizen diplomacy by standing shoulder to shoulder with a veiled woman, and listening to the Imam ask, "Don't we all bleed when we're hurt?" she was grateful to be praying alongside Muslims instead of interrogating them in Afghanistan for the CIA after 9/11. She continues to work with Muslim communities in the belief that peace in the Middle East ca... posted on Apr 12 2018, 0 reads


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