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Healing the Eyes of the World
At the heart of this story of the Aravind Eye Care System is how an impossible dream, one man's vision of eliminating needless blindness, has become a global system of compassionate care for all. Founded in southern India more than 40 years ago by Dr. V., a true visionary, Aravind is now the largest provider of eye care in the world. Even more remarkable is the fact that people receive care at Ara... posted on May 01 2018, 2,218 reads


Humanity's Most Urgent Challenge
We are discovering that, instead of struggling for meaning and a miracle of survival in a dead Universe, we are being invited to learn and grow forever in the deep ecologies of a living Universe. To step into the invitation of learning to live in a living Universe represents a journey so extraordinary that it invites us to transcend the wounds of history and begin a process of healing and reconcil... posted on Apr 30 2018, 15,585 reads


The 12-Year-Old Who Brought Education to His Community
Life is often difficult for children of poor or outcast communities in India. They may not be afforded the same opportunities as those from more mainstream groups, and so often become wary out outsiders, even if they mean well. But there are people in these communities who are willing to take a risk to find a better way of life for themselves and those around them. The Narikurava are one of the... posted on Apr 29 2018, 10,628 reads


3 Ways You Can Find More Happiness at Work
"Too many of us fall in the trap of believing that "work is work" and isn't supposed to be a source of happiness, or that work goals will suffer if we focus on what makes us happy. But research suggests the opposite: Happier employees are more productive, benefitting their companies as much as themselves." Annie McKee, an international business advisor and a senior fellow at the University of Penn... posted on Apr 28 2018, 59,825 reads


The Physics of Vulnerability
"We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both. Not at the same time. Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage." Find out more about the physics of falling down and rising up strong from Brene Brown.
... posted on Apr 27 2018, 0 reads


Spotlight on Restorative Justice
A crime or harm disrupts the balance -- in a community, among people, and within a family. Trying, convicting, and incarcerating the wrongdoer separates them from society but may do little to reclaim that lost balance and less still to improve the underlying conditions that led to the harm. Restorative justice takes a broader view with efforts that may include facilitating reconciliation between t... posted on Apr 26 2018, 9,089 reads


When Gratitude Holds Hands with Grief
Whether we acknowledge it or not, every day we stand at the door of death and life. They walk hand in hand. We can't have one without the other, and this is perhaps why Elaine Mansfield could feel both grief and gratitude on the day of her husband's crossing over. She was able to hold in one hand the mystery of loving another human being deeply and being full of gratitude for having shared all tha... posted on Apr 25 2018, 22,612 reads


How to Hardwire Resilience into the Brain
Mental resources like calm, grit, and courage help us cope with and push through obstacles in our own lives. But how do we cultivate them? The key is knowing how to turn passing experiences into lasting inner resources built into our brains. This skill, positive neuroplasticity, is not a quick fix, but you can change your brain for the better by working it the same way you would work a muscle. As ... posted on Apr 24 2018, 26,880 reads


The Third Self: Mary Oliver on the Artist's Task
In "Of Power and Time" found in "Upstream: Selected Essays," poet Mary Oliver delves deep into the psyche of the artist and explores the external and internal factors affecting creativity. In it she describes three parts of herself -- two ordinary ones, and one third self "where the wellspring of creative energy resides." This third self cannot be controlled, and is often its worst enemy. "What d... posted on Apr 23 2018, 14,072 reads


Why Your Brain Needs to Dream
Matthew Walker, neuroscientist and author of "Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams," maintains that dreaming is like overnight therapy and that it enhances creativity and problem-solving. He shares more in this article that also includes five tips for enhancing sleep. ... posted on Apr 22 2018, 17,525 reads


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Our life is what our thoughts make it.
Marcus Aurelius Antonius

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