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The Sunray Peace Village
The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo is Chief of the Green Mountain, Ani Yun Wiwa, the 27th generation holder of the ancestral Ywahoo lineage of the Tsalagi/Eastern Cherokee tradition and a well-respected teacher of Vajrayana in the Drikung Kagyu and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. She founded the Vajra Dakini Nunnery and is Director of the Sunray Meditation Society, an international spiritual orga... posted on May 31 2018, 9,724 reads


Joanna Macy: We Belong
Eco-philosopher, activist, and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy has been at the forefront of movements for social justice and environmentalism for more than five decades. This interview with her is about hope in times of chaos and dissolution. Is apathy a refusal to face the inevitability of suffering? Why is the state of the environment heartbreaking? Joanna also talks about our relationship with the... posted on May 30 2018, 8,734 reads


The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers
"How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies 'originals': thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals -- including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most," Grant says. 'You need a l... posted on May 29 2018, 4,344 reads


Nature, Joy and Human Becoming
"The sudden passionate happiness which the natural world can occasionally trigger in us," Michael McCarthy writes, "may well be the most serious business of all." He is a naturalist and journalist, and this is his delightful and galvanizing call that we can stop relying on the immobilizing language of statistics and take up our joy in the natural world as our civilizational defense of it. With a p... posted on May 28 2018, 6,715 reads


Turning Rain, Ice and Trees into Ephemeral Works
"British artist Andy Goldsworthy works in the fields and forests near his home in Scotland using natural elements as his media. His pieces have a tendency to collapse, decay and melt, but, as he tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross, "It's not about art. It's just about life and the need to understand that a lot of things in life do not last."" Here he talks about his photography book, how he creates his ... posted on May 27 2018, 12,287 reads


Peter Levine on Freedom from Pain
In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Peter Levine and Maggie Phillips discuss the prevalence of chronic pain in modern society and how physical pain may relate to past trauma. They describe the stages that pain sufferers commonly experience and bracing patterns that progress into the pain trap. Their program provides strategies for self-regulation to deal with pain based on real-world examples... posted on May 26 2018, 22,137 reads


Walking with Gandhi
In this reflection, an anti-war activist reveals what he thinks is missing from the heart of many of today's nonviolent movements. "Amidst the day's exhilaration it was plain to me that something essential was missing - that there was, in fact, a gaping void at the very heart of it all...During the march, my eyes were invariably drawn by particular phrases scrawled on several of the signs and bann... posted on May 25 2018, 14,632 reads


Alabama's Four-Year-Old Superhero
"Terance Perine, Austins father, said his son decided to help the homeless on a weekly basis after watching a show on Animal Planet in which a panda left her cubs alone. "And I said, 'Well, I guess it's going to be homeless for a while,'" Perine told local station WPMI. "And he said, 'Are people homeless?' and I said, 'Yeah, some of them.' And he asked me to take him to see a homeless person." Fat... posted on May 24 2018, 9,275 reads


The renowned poet David Whyte has learned to walk on the borders
"One of the dynamics I'm working with at the moment is the art of asking beautiful questions, and I think you can ask beautiful questions of yourself as well as of life and of circumstances. I have this under the heading, "Solace". You find solace, which is not only comfort but also a place in the greater scheme of things, when you ask beautiful questions in quite often un-beautiful circumstances.... posted on May 23 2018, 22,321 reads


Under the Volcano
Charlotte Du Cann is part of the core editorial team behind The Dark Mountain Project. In this essay, she describes The Dark Mountain Project and their new offering, Walking on Lava. The Dark Mountain Project is a collective body of work by recovering journalists who have faced the reality of our current ecological crisis and are producing narratives that look at things differently than the mainst... posted on May 22 2018, 5,503 reads


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Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
Roger Caras

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