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Nicholas Winton: Father of 669
Greta Winton was surprised and confused when she uncovered a scrapbook containing the names of 669 children. Her husband, Nicholas Winton, had kept this book in their attic for 50 years. Nine months before the Second World War broke out, Nicholas assisted in removing Jewish children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and transporting them to Britain. Nicholas wondered what had happened to the child... posted on Jun 20 2018, 2,775 reads


The Soul in Depression
We're fluent in the languages of psychology and medication, but the word "depression" does not do justice to this human experience. Depression is also spiritual territory. It is a shadow side of human vitality and as such teaches us about vitality. And what if depression is possible for the same reason that love is possible? Dive into this interview from On Being and hear rare, brave, and helpful ... posted on Jun 19 2018, 14,761 reads


The Strangest Social Justice Story
Though many know the story of Mahatma Gandhi, very few have heard the powerful story of his successor, Vinoba Bhave. Vinoba's loving spirit was responsible for "the biggest voluntary land donation project in the history of mankind" which many argue demonstrates that humanity is not exclusively self-interested. Instead, "if love is nurtured and valued as the bedrock of community, then seemingly imp... posted on Jun 18 2018, 13,803 reads


Looking for the Light in Vulnerability
Sarah Kay, a 29 year old spoken word poet from New York City touches audiences with her realistic portrayal of life, while focusing on 'finding the light' in life. In this interview Sarah discusses how her parents influenced her childhood with art, photography, and poetry, and how she in turn, influences students, teachers, and audiences around the world - encouraging them to listen to one another... posted on Jun 17 2018, 10,839 reads


Be Still, Life
'Be Still, Life' is a book written for the child in all of us -- the child in you who stares out the window when you should be working and wishes you had the day off. Author Ohara Hale has captured the childlike dreams we all have in whimsical illustrations and thoughts to embrace the moments that are before us. Hale reminds us of the wonder of nature through a child's eyes in such simple images a... posted on Jun 16 2018, 7,157 reads


The Unplanned Organization
A traditional concept in organizational leadership is that people resist change, so the standard antidote is for strong leadership to manipulate change. Yet in this article, Margaret Wheatley upends this idea of control and shows that humans are similar to natural ecosystems with an inherent impulse to grow. Life always wants to emerge, create and evolve both on the individual level and within lar... posted on Jun 15 2018, 9,584 reads


Milan Rai: The Butterfly Effect
"One day I was thinking, and suddenly, I noticed this tiny butterfly in my studio. I was drawn to it and managed to capture it. I'd heard a Native American proverb that said if you capture a butterfly and whisper your wish and let it go, it will take your wish to the greater spirit and your wish will come true. So I made a wish and without expecting my wish to come true, I just let it go. That was... posted on Jun 14 2018, 4,978 reads


From Bomb Site to Medicine Garden
It was a fenced-off World War II bomb site that had rewilded, and a team of London artists decided it was the perfect place to grow a medicine garden. The site is in the middle of a social housing complex in the Bethnal Green neighborhood of Tower Hamlets, a London borough that has become the U.K.'s second most densely populated local authority, the basic unit of local government. But now, the gar... posted on Jun 13 2018, 7,067 reads


I Will Teach You: Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim
At age seven, Tae Yun Kim gazed upon her uncles practicing an ancient martial art. She was awestruck. Never before had she seen something so beautiful and exciting, their movements both natural and mystical. She decided right then and there she had to learn. There was only one problem: She was a girl in 1950s South Korea, and this was a five-thousand-year-old culture and tradition. When Kim asked ... posted on Jun 12 2018, 8,326 reads


Embrace the Grace, Celebrate the Infinite
In a recent graduation address Nipun Mehta shares the origin story of ServiceSpace and the shifts catalyzed by exploring a set of questions unusual in the realm of technology: what do exponential love, exponential forgiveness and exponential kindness look like? He shares the power discovered in the practice of letting go/letting in and allowing "the vast conspiracy of the universe to drop you at t... posted on Jun 11 2018, 15,213 reads


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The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
Author Unknown

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