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Avoiding Volunteer Burnout With Mindful Self Care
Being a person who makes a difference in the world is a hope that most of us have, but being able to do so for any sustained period of time is the challenge. For many of us, making a difference takes the form of volunteering in challenging situations while working full time jobs. In the article "Avoiding Volunteer Burnout With Mindful Self Care," author Jennifer Jean shares a five step plan that s... posted on Jun 30 2018, 12,812 reads


The Spiritual Diplomat
Having witnessed the ravages of war in the 1940s, James George determined as a young man to be a peacemaker and harmonizer in the world by working as a diplomat for Canada for 30 years. Ultimately, George realized that only an inner spiritual practice could generate the peace he wished to carry into the world. He applied his spiritual practice by being aware of what is happening moment to moment i... posted on Jun 29 2018, 3,066 reads


The Wisdom of South Korea's Garden Hacking Grandparents
Whether we wake up each morning under eaves beneath trees, or on the top floors of towers among a forest of more towers; whether we walk our children to school through a park, or drive our car down the traffic-clogged streets to the market; whether we spend our mornings closed in meeting rooms, or tending urban gardens, each of us are the potential builders of a new culture, and each of our action... posted on Jun 28 2018, 6,427 reads


Keewaydahn: Going Home
Indigenous people can live without American society, but American society cannot live without indigenous cultural knowledge. In her lecture to the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, Winona LaDuke compares indigenous cultures to industrial cultures, recounts the holocaust of indigenous peoples, explains indigenous sustainability, and describes the impact indigenous and industrial cultures have ... posted on Jun 27 2018, 7,058 reads


I Feel You: The Surprising Power of Extreme Empathy
Sometimes the world seems like a heavy and difficult place. While it's true that life has its share of challenges, one of the best ways to find the light in every day is to connect to one another. Sharing, listening, and identifying with one another helps us grow those connections through empathy. Empathy is something innate that lives in all of us, but its also something that can be grown and c... posted on Jun 26 2018, 10,753 reads


The Focus of the Storm
Joanna Macy reflects on Rilke's Book of Hours, which has served as spiritual nourishment for almost fifty years of soul-searching and activism. "Its images lent some pattern, even meaning, to a life I thought had failed in its spiritual vocation... Now those same lines...shed new light on the patchwork my life had become -- marriage, motherhood, abandoned government career, assortment of jobs, stu... posted on Jun 25 2018, 10,937 reads


Dare to Be Astonished
What would it be like to take out the analytical side of our thoughts and approach experiences with a child-like wonder? That's what Fabiana Fondevila set out to determine. See what she has to say.... posted on Jun 24 2018, 8,206 reads


Paolo Soleri: Architecture as Salvation
Paolo Soleri was a visionary. Over decades, he influenced thousands of young architects. He called his vision arcology (architecture + ecology). The city as city occupied his thought. How could it help us reach our potential as human beings? Decades ago, he realized that we are drowning in a sea of data -- information-- and we don't seem to be able to find the time to transform it into knowledge. ... posted on Jun 23 2018, 2,367 reads


Creating a Compassionate Economy
Clair Brown is a professor of economics and director of the Center for Work, Technology, and Society at the University of California, Berkeley. Her recent book, Buddhist Economics: An Enlightened Approach to the Dismal Science, draws upon simple Buddhist ideas to argue for an economic system based on environmental stewardship, shared prosperity, and care for the human spirit.... posted on Jun 22 2018, 9,215 reads


Top 10 Insights from the Science of a Meaningful Life
Greater Good shared its top 10 insights from their "Science of a Meaningful Life" report. The team created the list from the most provocative and influential findings over the last year. Themes include emotional experience, mindfulness, sense of purpose, and more. ... posted on Jun 21 2018, 19,136 reads


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I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours.
Bob Dylan

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