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The Man with the Halo
This inspirational short documentary tells the unfathomable comeback story of Tim Don, the fastest Ironman triathlete of all time, after breaking his neck in a cycling crash. Coming just days before the Ironman World Championships, where Tim was a favorite to top the podium, the crash looked to have ended not only Tim's hopes of becoming World Champion, but potentially his career. Despite the long... posted on Jul 20 2018, 2,811 reads


Mister Roger's Message of Love
The release of the Mister Rogers documentary Won't You Be My Neighbor? calls to mind the essential message of Rogers' long-running children's program, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Fred McFeely Rogers, who died in 2003, was also an ordained Presbyterian minister. Over the course of three decades on public broadcasting, he brought to millions of children what his faith's General Assembly referred to... posted on Jul 19 2018, 20,671 reads


... posted on Jul 18 2018, 3,267 reads


Counter Mapping
The use of maps on our phones and on paper, show border lines and roads that don't tell the deeper story of the land we live and travel on. Deep within the land are stories of ourselves and our ancestors that can enrich life as we rarely know it. Jim Enote is one such man who knows the soul stories that the land can hold. Jim is a traditional Zuni farmer and director of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum an... posted on Jul 17 2018, 11,260 reads


Kelly Orians: Getting Out and Staying Out
Kelly Orians, co-founder of Rising Foundations and attorney at The First 72+ has dedicated her life to helping the less fortunate, with a focus on the injustice and failing policies of the correctional system. In this interview Kelly discusses the unique challenges facing former inmates as they attempt to reintegrate into society, and the people and organizations attempting to change that for the... posted on Jul 16 2018, 7,729 reads


What Borders Are Really About
"The wonderful writer Luis Alberto Urrea says that a deep truth of our time is that we miss each other. We have this drive to erect barriers between ourselves and yet this makes us a little crazy. He is singularly wise about the deep meaning and the problem of borders. The Mexican-American border, as he likes to say, ran straight through his parents' Mexican-American marriage and divorce. His work... posted on Jul 15 2018, 9,106 reads


Repairing the Fabric of the World
"I met Jonathan F.P. Rose in Manhattan, the week a snow storm knocked out power in much of the Northeast. Heating by woodstove and carrying water home from the local fire station for five long, cold days left me feeling a bit rough and smoky, not to mention unprepared, to be sitting in the comfortable offices of his company in a historic old building near Grand Central Station. Yet the moment I me... posted on Jul 14 2018, 9,434 reads


Dan Millman: No Ordinary Moments in the School of Life
What if everything that happened to you in life was for your highest good and learning? In this riveting talk, Dan Millman, author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, shares his insights into the school of life, and how we can approach each of our experiences as opportunities for growth, wisdom, and self-knowledge. "I often use the term 'spiritual weight-training' -- the difficulties and challenge... posted on Jul 13 2018, 13,924 reads


One Square Inch of Silence
Gordon Hempton is an acoustic ecologist who has spent over thirty years taking recordings of steadily vanishing natural soundscapes. Quiet places on earth are in danger of disappearing, a message that Hempton brought home in 2010 by marking one square inch of quiet space in Washington's Olympic National Park with a small red rock. His work was featured in a documentary entitled "Soundtracker" that... posted on Jul 12 2018, 3,007 reads


Little Panic: What It Takes to Break Free from Anxiety
When anxiety takes hold of us, it distorts our experience of the world and causes turbulence in our minds, wreaking havoc on our thoughts and emotions. For someone with severe panic disorder, this can shake them to their very core. Amanda Stern poignantly expresses her experience with anxiety in her book "Little Panic: Dispatches from an Anxious Life," which Maria Popova expertly introduces in Bra... posted on Jul 11 2018, 13,381 reads


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Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
Hans Christian Anderson

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