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Healing Civilization Nature's Way
Cities of the future should have less grey and more green, according to leading thinkers Thomas Lovejoy and Jonathan F. P. Rose. In this Garrison Institute mashup conversation between biological diversity expert and urban developer, we get an overview of what might really work. Says Lovejoy, "I'm actually hoping that particularly when the ecosystem restoration part of the solution to climate chang... posted on Jul 30 2018, 9,006 reads


Green Museum
"I think artists have the opportunity not just to call attention to problems and preach, but to really help solve problems, to help create things that work better, that are just more beautiful and right. We're far more likely to do things that are good for us as a society if we're drawn to them because they look better, are more meaningful and tasty. These are things we'll choose to do simply beca... posted on Jul 29 2018, 2,182 reads


What I Regret Most Are Failures of Kindness
For many people, the things we regret in life might be the big ones: either moral failings, career opportunities missed on the way to success, or all those things that fall into the category of "adventures we should have taken." For American writer George Saunders, his list of regrets is quite simple: failures of kindness. What grabs at his heart the most is missing those seemingly insignificant c... posted on Jul 28 2018, 0 reads


Moshe Feldenkrais: Learn to Learn
Rarely does a teacher take the time to explain to a student how to learn. They will explain the topic and sometimes how to learn that topic, but how to learn in general so you can learn anything is rarely approached. In this short essay on Awareness Through Movement, Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of the Feldenkrais Method (a form of somatic education) does just that. His intent is to enable us to... posted on Jul 27 2018, 13,844 reads


Thousand Mile Walk Home
After being sidelined by injury, professor Michael P. Branch vowed his year would be filled with 1000 miles walked. As he logged his miles, the emphasis became one of practice, like a monk's meditations, and opened his eyes in a profound way: "[The miles] were all walked here, in the high desert, on public lands, within a ten-mile radius of my home. If my bioregionalist experiment of walking more ... posted on Jul 26 2018, 5,275 reads


A Miraculous Life of More
"What is it like to be in the midst of a miracle? The idea of a miracle sounds so warm and delicious, the kind of thing you would aspire to experience in a minute, right? Well, in fact, here on earth we are in the middle of miracle school, whether you remember enrolling or not. And, much like life itself (a miracle in its own right), it’s not all sunshine and rainbows." In this uplifting pi... posted on Jul 25 2018, 13,345 reads


Muhammad Yunus: Revolutionized Banking
What would it take to create a world with zero poverty, unemployment, or net carbon emissions? In "A World of Three Zeros," economist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammed Yunus continues his work conceiving economic and social systems that enable people to break out of poverty. Well known for pioneering microloans and founding Grameen Bank, Yunus also has novel thoughts on capitalism and how it ... posted on Jul 24 2018, 7,609 reads


The Wordplay of Pathways
What is your idea of a pathway; both literal and figurative? And once you have started "down this path", have you ever paused to consider the winding trail of words, meanings and phrases humans use to describe the act of traveling by foot? Find out in this delightful post from a project; dedicated to sharing the moments of life that make you say "Oh, I See"!... posted on Jul 23 2018, 10,800 reads


The GreenHouse Project
In a small urban park in Johannesburg, South Africa, Dorah Lobelo founded the Greenhouse Project, a dynamic center that has grown to become a seedbed for organic farming, sustainable design, and community-building. Using donated park space, she has created an environmental demonstration center in a dense inner city that tackles the extremes of poverty, environmental degradation, and community rege... posted on Jul 22 2018, 1,734 reads


6 Habits of Hope
Hope is often viewed as the anticipation of circumstances being better in the future, but in this article environmentalist and social activist Kate Davies suggests that intrinsic hope is based in the here and now. Applying 6 habits of mindfulness to one's daily life will allow us to live from a place of hope that embraces life as it is now in all of its beauty and complexity. ... posted on Jul 21 2018, 0 reads


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Being rich of heart makes you wealthy beyond compare
Rodney Williams

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