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What It Means to Hold Space & 8 Tips to Do it Well
"To truly support people in their own growth, transformation, grief, etc., we can't do it by taking their power away (ie. trying to fix their problems), shaming them (ie. implying that they should know more than they do), or overwhelming them (ie. giving them more information than they're ready for). We have to be prepared to step to the side so that they can make their own choices, offer them unc... posted on Aug 09 2018, 47,843 reads


9 Scientists Share Their Favorite Happiness Practices
Where do you seek happiness? In your relationships? Your work? Your hobbies? This highly sought after feeling can be elusive and hard to hold on to. Once we do obtain it, the good feelings it brings are often fleeting and we begin our quest all over again. What if you could bring happiness into your life in more lasting ways? In this article, 9 scientists share their favorite practices for increas... posted on Aug 08 2018, 23,788 reads


Eliza Ramos: Into the Real
During a symposium of physicians and health care workers, Eliza Ramos was sharing part of her story... "I was under a lot of stress in NYC so I decided to go to Rwanda." Rwanda? Eliza's story is remarkable. For instance, just out of USC, she moved Mexico. Looking back she reflects, "What was I thinking? It was a little crazy at the time, because I didn't know Spanish." She found herself working in... posted on Aug 07 2018, 3,359 reads


The World I Want to Live In
"Even though I am now almost completely blind due to the late embers of the naked sky of Hiroshima, when I first saw with the 'vision of the heart,' I finally understood that I am at last, truly able to see. When I had an epiphany two decades ago, I was convinced that forgiveness is the first step toward peace...My life story demonstrates how a heart twisted by hatred and revenge can be transforme... posted on Aug 06 2018, 3,346 reads


Seeing the Whole
Our world is much richer, more beautiful, and more complex than we think--and it's all happening right now, in this very moment. By widening our awareness to include the entire planet, encompassing both what we can and can't see, we move toward a vision of earth where we are not merely on it, but a vital part in its processes. Consider the superhuman abilities of animals to see, hear, and smell be... posted on Aug 05 2018, 10,739 reads


The Science of All Is One
Virtually anyone who turns to the news today will quickly see evidence of painful relationships between various ethnic groups in our communities. What should our response be to such violence of thought and speech if we personally encounter it in our own lives? In this heart-expanding piece, Betsy Leondar-Wright tells a touching story of how she lives her answer to the question of whether we should... posted on Aug 04 2018, 10,169 reads


Linda Cruse: Marmalade & Machine Guns
Linda Cruse spent a decade as a nurse, but needed a more steady schedule and extra income. She took an opportunity to work in pharmaceuticals, but it was killing her spirit, and she became very negative. After going temporarily blind from the stress of her new life, she made a promise to become more authentic and find her purpose. This led her to the decision to sell her possessions and travel the... posted on Aug 03 2018, 4,652 reads


Toward a New Conception of God
"Every human being is born with an intrinsic yearning to understand, to contact and, eventually, to serve something higher in ourselves and in the universe. Plato calls this yearning eros. It defines us as human beings -- even more than our biological nature, our social conditioning or our ordinary reasoning capacity. Our modern world-view tragically misperceives and wrongly defines what it is to ... posted on Aug 02 2018, 13,984 reads


Today is a Gift
One afternoon, a group of people showed up a farmers' market with armfuls of wrapping paper and colorful ribbons. They came to gift-wrap the entire street to remind everyone that the present moment is a gift. " We are literally just wrapping up everything in sight" an organizer tells a passerby. Wrapping up the tables and chairs, placing bows on people and dogs -- this video is a joyful reminder t... posted on Aug 01 2018, 4,277 reads


Seven Ways Our Businesses Can Help Refugees
There are over 25 million refugees in the world today. Melissa Fleming, chief spokesperson for the UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency has written extensively on ways in which individuals can support displaced people. In this article and TEDtalk, she describes how businesses can do their part: help refugees get work; be an advocate; develop goods and services refugees need; exchange ideas and... posted on Jul 31 2018, 9,342 reads


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Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half sorrow.
Swedish proverb

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