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Getting Proximate to Pain and Holding the Power of Love
In this interview, On Being's Krista Tippett speaks with Lucas Johnson and Rami Nashashibi about the impact of growing up in minority communities, the influence of social change leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, the ideas of justice, love, and more. Lucas Johnson is an ordained minster, writer, and social activist in Amsterdam, who serves as the coordinator for the Internation... posted on Aug 19 2018, 5,510 reads


The Great Mystery: An Interview with Kent Nerburn
Kent Nerbern is a writer and editor of over a dozen books, and is currently working on the third in a series about the Lakota Indians. With a double PhD He has a long history of interest in Native American tribes and culture, having previously worked with the Ojibwe and written a book on the Nez Perce. In particular, Kent appreciates Native American spirituality, which tends to focus more on the... posted on Aug 18 2018, 12,293 reads


4 Ways to Train Your Brain to Feel Better
It might be difficult to think that stress could be an opportunity, but Laurel Mellin, Ph.D. believes that it can encourage us to pause long enough to change how we think. Mellin is the founder of EBT, Inc. (Emotional Brain Training) an educational organization that provides certification and brain training to health professionals and the public. With stress as the number one epidemic worldwide, M... posted on Aug 17 2018, 30,964 reads


Even the Walls
Even the Walls is a short documentary about the multi-generational residents living within Yesler Terrace, a public-housing neighborhood in downtown Seattle grappling with the forces of gentrification. For over 70 years, Yesler Terrace has been home to thousands of Asian, Asian American, African, African American, Native American, Hispanic, and Caucasian residents. The 30-acre property is being re... posted on Aug 16 2018, 2,916 reads


Eager: The Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter
A beaver is a change agent. They build a dam, create a pond, then over the course of years, the pond fills in, becomes a wetland, wet meadow and the cycle starts again. Humans like things static, which is one reason beavers and humans have not gotten along. We have fundamentally different visions of how the landscape is supposed to work. The consequences have been the decimation of the beaver popu... posted on Aug 15 2018, 8,181 reads


How to Unhijack Your Mind from Your Phone
What if we didn't unplug, but changed the way we used our phones? Would it increase productivity? Would it improve your mood? See what a former Google employee has to say about mindfulness, and how to avoid unnecessary phone time. ... posted on Aug 14 2018, 9,232 reads


A Mind Seeking Permanency Soon Stagnates
J. Krishnamurti, one of the 20th century's most remarkable spiritual leaders, reminds us that life is impermanent, that we are driven by impermanent relationships, ambitions and achievements, and suffer because there is death at the end. He suggests we need not suffer from impermanency because it is a simple fact. Yet we do suffer, because we don't want to accept the truth of it. Nevertheless, he ... posted on Aug 13 2018, 13,090 reads


GK Chesterton: A Piece of Chalk
Imagine "roaring with laughter" at the sudden radiant realization that the very thing you so desperately need is right there in abundance all around. You may currently be keenly aware of lacking something physical like the artist's chalk in this essay. Possibly, you are aching with the lack you feel for something deeper such as love or belonging. Read how expanding your awareness and truly 'seeing... posted on Aug 12 2018, 10,209 reads


Taking an Empowered and Creative View Towards Technology
Social change pioneer Tiffany Shlain is changing the conversation around how we relate to technology. Instead of thinking of our devices as separate from us, we should think of them as an extension of who we are, she argues. "We're now living in a culture that's so 24/7, and there's no moments of reflection. We don't have that embedded into our lives anymore." A filmmaker, activist, and public spe... posted on Aug 11 2018, 6,221 reads


In the Business of Change
An increasing number of social entrepreneurs have come to realize that moving from ideation to success often requires going beyond the usual, the traditional, the expected. They need to shake things up, turn ideas upside down and infuse their solutions to challenges with a creative twist, new technology and/or a bold rethink....For social entrepreneurs it's more than being disruptive for the sake ... posted on Aug 10 2018, 7,919 reads


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Enjoy the journey, enjoy ever moment, and quit worrying about winning and losing.
Matt Biondi

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