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Unknown Hero: A Conversation with Loren Cole
Loren Cole was first recommended to Richard Whittaker as someone who could help prepare tax returns for his non-profit. Driving up to his home, Whittaker had no idea what was in store. Cole is the founder of his own non-profit, Inquiring Systems Inc. "ISI worked with organizations founded on visions of contributing to the greater good. What Loren offered was 'ethical and sustainable ecosystem mana... posted on Aug 29 2018, 2,177 reads


Why Looking for the Good in Others Matters
How do you provide kindness? When it seems like nothing else is good in the world, that feeling becomes even more important. Learn what moral elevation is and how it can help you make the world a better place. ... posted on Aug 28 2018, 10,359 reads


Rachel Callender Sees Superpowers
When Rachel Callendar's baby was born, she was overwhelmed with the negative words used to describe what she saw as the beautiful child in her arms. The doctors saw Evie Amore as disabled and chromosomally damaged but her "mum" Rachel saw her as perfect. Rachel came to the realization that she could find freedom in loving her child just as she was rather than as the doctor's thought she should be.... posted on Aug 27 2018, 9,064 reads


Live Unbound: Above All Else
In 1992 Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld woke up in a hospital bed, severely injured and unaware of what brought him there. All he knew was a message his friend James Layne gave him in his dreams. "Danny, what are you doing here? You need to get back down there." Brodsky-Chenfeld survived and, in spite of his doctors diagnosis and predictions, went on to pursue his dreams. Now a motivational speaker, Brodsky-... posted on Aug 26 2018, 4,253 reads


Health 3.0: Where Medicine Needs to Go
Health 1.0 is run as a cottage industry without evidence-based guidelines, quality measures, or standardization. Volume trumps value. This model bankrupted and shortchanged the quality of healthcare. It is over. Health 2.0 is evidence-based medicine. It is online. Electronic health records are central to its cause. The patient becomes an e-patient who Silicon Valley diagnoses using data-mining and... posted on Aug 25 2018, 9,636 reads


How to Put the Power of Law in People's Hands
What can you do when the wheels of justice don't turn fast enough? Or when they don't turn at all? Vivek Maru is working to transform the relationship between people and law, turning law from an abstraction or threat into something that everyone can understand, use and shape. Instead of relying solely on lawyers, Maru started a global network of community paralegals, or barefoot lawyers, who serve... posted on Aug 24 2018, 8,033 reads


Rajni Bakshi: Stories of Modern Day Gandhians
Rajni Bakshi is a Mumbai-based freelance journalist and storyteller who writes about social and political movements in contemporary India. Two of her well-known books include 'Bapu Kuti: Journeys in Rediscovery of Gandhi', chronicling the work and lives of activists engaged in social transformation rooted in the philosophy of Gandhi, and 'Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom: for a market culture be... posted on Aug 23 2018, 4,934 reads


Nature and the Serious Business of Joy
British naturalist and environmental writer Michael McCarthy writes in The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy -- part memoir and part manifesto --"The natural world can offer us more than the means to survive, on the one hand, or mortal risks to be avoided, on the other: it can offer us joy." ... posted on Aug 22 2018, 9,980 reads


The Price on Everything is Love
When the city of Detroit was going through a rough time, neighbors banded together to help each other. Now, the organization has become a community shop called Detroiters Helping Each Other, which offers services for free. Learn how love has become the greatest currency of all. ... posted on Aug 21 2018, 6,100 reads


The Happiness Multiplier Effect
Happiness is something we all strive for, yet can be difficult to define. defines happiness as "good fortune, pleasure, contentment, or joy." And in fact many people associate having more money with being happier. However, studies released in 2008 and 2010 show that there is a threshold for which money can bring happiness. Beyond being pulled out of poverty to a comfortable income... posted on Aug 20 2018, 11,884 reads


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Games are the most elevated form of investigation.
Albert Einstein

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