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Betty Peck's Magic Mirror
Imagine a magic mirror that you look into to discover how truly wonderful you are. That is the kind of mirror that Betty Peck, a kindergarten teacher with more than 50 years experience, had in all of her classrooms. Whenever one of her students felt worried or unsure, Betty would gently guide the student to look into the magic mirror and say, "How could you forget how wonderful you are?!" In this ... posted on Sep 18 2018, 4,688 reads


Laura Grace Weldon: Four Poems
In the poem "Earthbound," author Laura Grace Weldon describes the perfection that exists right before us at the same time we are looking elsewhere with desires and whims. A proponent of "free range learning, creative living, gentle encouragement, big questions, and occasional drollery," Weldon is skilled at illuminating sources of hope in everyday places and people. This group of four poems from M... posted on Sep 17 2018, 13,435 reads


An Astronaut's Life-Changing Lesson from a Moment in Orbit
Edgar Mitchell is one of only a handful of people who have walked on another world. Upon his return on Apollo 14 in 1971 after collecting samples from the moon, he had a mystical epiphany that would transform his life. As a result, he set up the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973 to investigate psychic and spiritual phenomena and the nature of human consciousness. This contrasts with the typical... posted on Sep 16 2018, 14,013 reads


Surprise is a Seed
Every day we are met with wonders beyond our imagination and simple acts that inspire a deep sense of awe. Yet often these occurrences go unnoticed as we've come to see them as ordinary. If we tuned into what was happening around us with deeper awareness, we might be surprised at what unfolds: the key turning in the ignition to start our car's engine or the bodily processes that operate tirelessly... posted on Sep 15 2018, 9,264 reads


Barbara Kingsolver: My Crazy Summer of Squash
Summer is the time of abundant harvest. In this humorous essay on the tribulations of too many zucchini, acclaimed writer, Barbara Kingsolver explains why country people lock their doors and cars and even gates at the end of the summer.... posted on Sep 14 2018, 14,121 reads


What Does a Compassionate Workplace Look Like?
Compassion in the workplace may sound foreign, but studies have shown that cultivating compassion at the office can have remarkable outcomes for product design, employee and customer engagement, and accountability. Compassion is at the root of delivering quality service, says Monica Worline, because "Service quality hinges on relationships, and relationships deepen when we listen and hear what's g... posted on Sep 13 2018, 7,662 reads


Jason Sowell & The Laundry Project
When DailyGood volunteer, LuAnn Cooley walked into a laundromat last week, she was greeted by a group of volunteers from The Laundry Project -- a non-profit whose generous mission is "to assist families with meeting a basic need -- washing clothes and linens, by turning laundromats into community centers of hope. Laundry fees are paid for while volunteers assist with laundry services, entertain ch... posted on Sep 12 2018, 7,680 reads


Satish Kumar: Pilgrim of Peace
"During the Cold War, when the world was tense with mistrust, Satish Kumar walked nearly 13,000 kilometres, with no money, through the four nuclear capitals of the world ... It wasn't Satish's first odyssey. At nine, he left his mother's home to join the wandering Jain monks. He remained with them until he read Gandhi, and began to believe more could be achieved through engagement with global prob... posted on Sep 11 2018, 9,994 reads


You Are Me and I Am You
The idea that we are one unified whole on this planet is a growing awareness across the globe. This awareness is made palpable and even aided by one of the positive aspects of the internet; that is, the ability to share events, feelings and consciousness at the same time on a worldwide level. Pierre Pradervand is a writer and social justice activist who is dedicated to helping others live in this ... posted on Sep 10 2018, 11,050 reads


To Keep Company With Oneself
Philosophy student Jennifer Stitt writes a thoughtful essay asking whether we would become lonely in solitude or find new depths? Philosophers have long distinguished between solitude and loneliness. Emerson celebrated the former, in which "nature may speak to the imagination, as she never does in company." Socrates celebrated the soundless dialogue "which the soul holds with herself." And in the ... posted on Sep 09 2018, 9,296 reads


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Sense your presence, the naked, unveiled, unclothed beingness.
Eckhart Tolle

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