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Myron Eshowky: A Deeper Listening
"When I was 6 years old, I began to go for an hour every day, before school had started, to work with a speech therapist who taught me to put my hand on her throat, and my throat, and then focus on matching her vibration as she would make a sound, because I had to learn how to talk. One of the things I noted right away was that when we matched vibration, I became really connected with her. It was ... posted on Oct 08 2018, 9,894 reads


The Restorative Power of Trees
More than half of the world's population lives in an urban setting. People in cities run a 20 and 40 percent higher risk of both anxiety and mood disorders than people in rural areas. And we're spending more and more time away from nature. Researchers estimate that if every city dweller spent just 30 minutes per week in nature, depression cases could be reduced by 7 percent. Globally, that's a who... posted on Oct 07 2018, 10,567 reads


Stranger Kindness
Have you ever been moved by a stranger's kindness? What about returning the favor and asking yourself how you can be there for someone else? In this touching post, Reverend Bonnie Rose challenges readers to ask strangers that they encounter, "Is there anything I can do or say to help you have a better day?" Read on to learn about the humble connections that can emerge when we bravely break the bar... posted on Oct 06 2018, 11,848 reads


Zach Pine: Life Practice
"Well, when I'm out alone at the beach, the first time I scoop up the sand in my hands, that's one magical kind of connection. It's like tasting a food you've never tasted. You have no idea what to expect, all you know is its food. You might think sand it's just sand, but this is not the way I experience it. If I pick up sand at a beach I've never been at, right away, I get all kinds of experience... posted on Oct 05 2018, 2,629 reads


Bridging Divides in Kosovo with Rock Music
The power of rock and roll. It brings people together from all different facets of life. That's what students from Mitrovica, Kosovo, found out through The Mitrovica Rock School. The program, created by Musicians Without Borders, involves 113 students, in 10 ethnic bands, led by 16 local teachers. ... posted on Oct 04 2018, 6,371 reads


The Missing People Choir
Located in London, the Missing People Choir consists of families with missing loved ones and volunteers who want to sing with them, bringing powerful support at times of tremendous grief. By coming together with others who have experienced such a traumatic loss, people are given strength and hope. "Where words end, music carries on" as choir members reach out to their missing loved ones by raising... posted on Oct 03 2018, 2,153 reads


Gandhi 3.0: A Grand Rehearsal of Unconditional Love
In the heart of Mahatma Gandhi's homeland, is a modern-day experiment of the timeless Law of Love. They call it Gandhi 3.0, where "Gandhi" stands for the age-old principle of leading with inner transformation, and "3.0" represents the many-to-many networks that are popularized by Internet. In January 2018, around the 100th anniversary of the Gandhi Ashram, the experiment culminated in a global ret... posted on Oct 02 2018, 3,087 reads


Live In Your Soul: 10 Insights from a Visionary
When a crippling disease shattered his lifelong ambition Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy chose an impossible new dream: to eliminate needless blindness. By 1976 Dr. V (as he came to be known) had performed over 100,000 sight restoring surgeries. That same year, he retired from government service at the age of 58, and founded Aravind, an 11-bed eye clinic in south India. No money. No business plan. No ... posted on Oct 01 2018, 9,929 reads


Bring Your Whole Self to Work
We all want to "do a good job"; in our work, in our homes, in our relationships and ultimately in our lives. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes we make mistakes. Being afraid of mistakes, ridicule and failure can lead to "hiding" the vulnerable parts of ourselves; leaving those parts of ourselves "at home" away from scrutiny and judgement. How would the work we do in our lives change if we ... posted on Sep 30 2018, 8,286 reads


A Kindergarten Student Keeps Her Promise
In 2012 not long after ServiceSpace founder Nipun Mehta gave a commencement speech that went viral, his organization received the following email: "Dear Keepers of ServiceSpace, I thoroughly enjoy your work. Just today I forwarded your graduation speech to my old class. Meanwhile I want to alert you to a remarkable woman, who at 90+ exemplifies so many of the qualities you write about in your colu... posted on Sep 29 2018, 10,075 reads


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I am everybody and every time,
I always call myself by your name.

Pablo Neruda

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