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Stephen Jenkinson Reimagines Dying
Stephen Jenkinson brings a stark new attitude to work with people who are dying. When asked why in this interview, he explains that this is an ambivalent time. "And the culture that I know well...believes in knowing. It rewards knowing." So in speaking with with the dying, who are in a not-knowing situation, even consternation, he wants to "subvert knowledge and that learning gets a... posted on Oct 19 2018, 12,528 reads


Jewels in the Dirt: In Conversation with Lobsang Phuntsok
Lobsang Phuntsok is a former Tibetan monk who trained with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and spent years teaching Buddhism and meditation in the West. In 2006, he disrobed and moved back to his native India, establishing a community in the Himalayan foothills for orphans and impoverished children. The community originally started with 34 children, and over the last decade has grown to house 85 child... posted on Oct 18 2018, 123,381 reads


Ten True Things About Gratefulness
Gratefulness is a deceptively simple practice that has the potential to change your life and those around you. "The benefits of gratitude range from deeper sleep and better health to higher self-esteem and enhanced stress resilience. Gratitude has also been shown to enhance our relationships. And, if that's not enough, gratitude makes us happier." And happiness spreads. Here, an ode to the practic... posted on Oct 17 2018, 22,915 reads


The Man Who Transformed Trash Into A Free Library
A garbage man is making a difference in the lives of the children in his community in Colombia, and it all began when he spotted Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina in with the rubbish. Rather than see the book discarded, he saw an opportunity to give back, and began collecting neglected books and storing them in his home. Alberto Gutierrez has rescued over 20,000 books in the last 20 years, that take up ... posted on Oct 16 2018, 13,355 reads


Raise Your Children to Be Happy, Healthy, Complete
Parents today ... want the very best for our kids. We want them to be smart, athletic, healthy, kind, happy, polite, disciplined, creative and more. We want to give them everything!

Kids on the other hand, are growing up bombarded by technology, needing to compete in every way, comparing themselves with others, trying to be perfect and please their parents, wanting to fit in. As a ... posted on Oct 15 2018, 40,648 reads


9/11 Brought Them Together. They've Been Spreading Love Since
On a day when division and hate became tangible on a large scale in America, three minsters from different religions were moved by their faith to make peace. 9/11 marked a violent awakening of hate for some, but for Rabbi Ted Falcon of Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue, Reverend Don Mackenzie, a minister and head of staff at the University Congregational United Church of Christ, and Jamal Rahman, a M... posted on Oct 13 2018, 6,038 reads


Musicians for World Harmony
The healing power of music is widely known, from bustling cities to remote villages. Since 2002, Musicians for World Harmony has relied on the gift of music to help those impacted by war, disease, aging, and cultural divides. Founder Samite Mulondo, a professional musician and former refugee, believes in using music to help create a safe space where participants don't feel judged. "The stories usu... posted on Oct 12 2018, 6,874 reads


The Mystique of Rain
Re-awakening a mystique of rain - or a mystique of Earth - isn't a simple task for anyone indoctrinated into the dominant worldview of a dead universe. Like meditation or yoga or darts, it is a practice - a practice that weaves together ecology and spirituality, a practice that might satisfy both the ecologist and mystic, the pragmatist and visionary. Ecology suggests that nothing exists in isolat... posted on Oct 11 2018, 8,705 reads


The Dinner Party
Loss is part of life for all of us, but the tendency in our time is to carry that burden alone. Lennon Flowers had lost her own mother to cancer and was carrying that burden alone when her friend and colleague Carla Hernandez reached out to her. Carla invited Lennon over to share dinner with other friends who'd lost a loved one, and the Dinner Party was born. Today, there are thousands of Dinner P... posted on Oct 10 2018, 9,775 reads


The Man Who Moved a Mountain
Dashrath Manjhi lived in a remote town in northern India that lacked water supply, electricity, a school, and a medical center. "He was an outcast, a landless labourer who had to trek across an entire mountain every day, just to reach the farm that he worked on." The treacherous journey took hours and was filled with danger from falling rocks and steep paths. When his wife fell and injured herself... posted on Oct 09 2018, 19,980 reads


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When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

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