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The Gift of Threshold Moments
Like moments of joy, awe, or bliss, threshold moments are experiences to notice, appreciate, and treasure ". . . where sound trails off into silence, time disappears into timelessness, and the known world is engulfed by the great mystery." It is not the full moments sometimes but the empty ones that can touch us deeply and profoundly. The gaps rather than the events that give us a glimpse of great... posted on Nov 08 2018, 7,878 reads


Unity and the Power of Love
"Unity holds the essential vision that we are one living, interconnected ecosystem -- a living Earth that supports and nourishes all of its inhabitants. If we acknowledge and honor this simple reality, we can begin to participate in the vital work of healing our fractured and divisive world and embrace a consciousness of oneness that is our human heritage. This is the opportunity that is being off... posted on Nov 07 2018, 9,137 reads


Losing His Voice Led Him to Helping Others Strengthen Theirs
"There are lots of ways to lose your voice in this world." These words were spoken by Kevin Hancock, an award-winning author, public speaker, and CEO of Hancock Lumber, one of Americas oldest and most prestigious family businesses. In 2010, Kevin developed a voice disorder called spasmodic dysphonia. As his speaking voice became quiet, the voice of his soul became louder. This new voice urged... posted on Nov 06 2018, 5,995 reads


The Art and Discipline of Seeing Compassionately
"Prophets and sages throughout the generations have all agreed on this one point: how you see determines what you see and don't see. So if we want to heal the divisions in our country and our homes, we have to learn a new way of seeing." In this excerpt from his book "Practice Makes PURPOSE: Six Spiritual Practices That Will Change Your Life and Transform Your Community", Paul Schroeder offers ins... posted on Nov 05 2018, 12,398 reads


The Two-Year Phone Conversation That Changed a Life
More than 20 years ago, over the course of two years, a young woman had helpful conversations with a gentleman who volunteers for the Care Corner Counselling Center in Singapore. She was at a low point in her life at this time and received support, empowerment and a sense of hope from these conversations. Twenty years later, wanting to thank this man whom she had never met for helping her to move ... posted on Nov 04 2018, 2,347 reads


What Are You Doing With Your Freedom?
"What are you doing with your freedom?" Tom Weidlinger stumbled across this unexpected question along with a series of other electrifying messages that had been left at the base of a tree by an anonymous artist. The timing was uncanny. Tom had only recently discovered that the woman who was responsible for financing his film-making career no longer knew who he was. With his livelihood hanging in t... posted on Nov 03 2018, 3,511 reads


Pablo Neruda Against the Illusion of Separateness
"There is no insurmountable solitude. All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song -- but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awarenes... posted on Nov 02 2018, 7,510 reads


A Call to Caring
"At the heart of caring is an 'and' not an 'or'. Deep within us lies a potential that transcends our artificial limitations. Can we embrace the possibility that we are fully capable of caring globally, in every direction -- that the compass of our caring could open 360 degrees?" In his new book 'Caring' Tibetan lama Tarthang Tulku dives deep into an exploration of caring, and the potent antidote i... posted on Nov 01 2018, 579 reads


5 Ways Small Actions Have Huge Power
Often we feel like change must come through big donors or governments rather than the ordinary person. But it is just those ordinary people who can work together to change the world. In this delightful graphic from YES Magazine, take to heart the importance of the little gesture.... posted on Oct 31 2018, 11,587 reads


Say Grace
" I am deeply delighted to live on a planet that is so big and varied that I can confidently say that right this very minute somewhere in the world a crossword puzzle is being completed, a fortune cookie is being snapped open and a song just brought someone to tears. I love knowing that while I am fast asleep in California, a crowd is gathered around the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum, a marr... posted on Oct 30 2018, 3,804 reads


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That which is not good for the beehive cannot be good for the bees.
Marcus Aurelius

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