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Living Simply in a Tiny Off-Grid Cabin
Meet Tom, Sarah and their daughter, Neesa. They live in a 20 square meter off-grid cabin on property in New Zealand. Instead of paying rent, they share the work of looking after the land with the owners. Tom is a medical doctor and Sarah is an illustrator. Both have chosen to reduce their work to almost nothing in order to have more time to focus on living well. This short film is an example of Ha... posted on Nov 29 2018, 4,047 reads


The Abundance of Less
In "The Abundance of Less" Andy Couturier profiles the lives of ten pioneering Japanese artist-activists living lives of extraordinary grace and purpose outside the bounds of mainstream society. As author David Abram puts it,"Reading this magic book is like drinking from a fresh wellspring deep in the mountains: it slowly returns one to sanity. In an era when the allure of ten thousand digital scr... posted on Nov 28 2018, 9,048 reads


Books on How to Lead a Meaningful Life
Looking to curl up with a good read? Check out this list of 2017's best books on how to stay resilient and live a meaningful life. Covering topics that range from how to raise responsible, mature, and empathic children in an increasingly digital age, to why compassion matters in the workplace, this list offers something for everyone. Thought-provoking, engaging, and insightful, your next great rea... posted on Nov 27 2018, 15,149 reads


The Meaning of Proportion
"Across time there has been a very deep relationship between the human measure derived from the human body and the measure of place. In many cultures divine proportion is still present. An Indian temple is not just a geometrical figure. Now to talk about that in contemporary terms, if we were to look at a squatter town in Peru or a community in Oakland--how could we understand this in contemporary... posted on Nov 26 2018, 2,053 reads


She Won an Ultramarathon Wearing a Skirt and Rubber Sandals
Competing against 500 runners from 12 countries, 22-year-old Mara Lorena Ramrez won first place among women in a 50k (31 mile) race in Puebla, Mexico, wearing a traditional skirt and hand-fashioned sandals and carrying little more than a water bottle. Ramrez had no formal training and spends much of her time herding goats and cattle in Guachochi, Mexico. She comes from the indigenous community of ... posted on Nov 25 2018, 12,141 reads


Conscious Business & the Spiritual Wisdom of Sounds True
Tami Simon is the founder and CEO of Sounds True, a multimedia publishing company that Tami founded in 1985 at the age of 22 with the mission of disseminating spiritual wisdom. Today, still faithful to its original mission, Sounds True has grown to have nearly 110 employees and a library of close to 2000 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time. Sounds True is a p... posted on Nov 24 2018, 6,480 reads


The Japanese Words for "Space"
"Thinking about spaces in a more ‘Japanese’ way can open up new ways of organizing our lives and focusing on the relationships that matter to us. Building spaces that deepen relationships (wa), generate new knowledge (ba), connect to the world around us (tokoro), and allow moments of quiet and integration (ma) can enrich our experience of the world and that of those around us." Instea... posted on Nov 23 2018, 6,055 reads


Sustainability and the Sacred
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Sufi teacher and author, implores us to change our present global predicament by changing our consciousness. Our current mindset sees Earth as a resource. He argues that this worldview creates a sense of separation and one in which we have forgotten the sacred nature of the Earth. If we embrace the sacred in all of life, we will remember our primal relationship to the Earth,... posted on Nov 22 2018, 6,517 reads


The Meadow Across the Creek
At age twelve, Thomas Berry became acquainted with a meadow. That magic moment came to be normative for his thinking: that which preserves and enhances the meadow is good and that which opposes or negates the meadow is not good. He applies this life orientation to economic, political, educational, religious, etc. endeavors. He believes it is by experiencing lilies blooming in a meadow that we reme... posted on Nov 21 2018, 5,767 reads


Amplifying Data Through Art
With challenges such as overfishing, ocean acidification, and sea level rise rapidly changing our marine environments, it's more important than ever to help people understand and care about what's going on. To this end, artists are working with scientific data and translating complex concepts and new findings into visually stimulating, thought-provoking works. When Philadelphia-based artist Rebecc... posted on Nov 20 2018, 4,722 reads


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You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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