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Hats Warm Heads and Hearts of Kids with Cancer
What started as an entrepreneurship project of two college students, Zachary Quinn and Brian Keller, grew into something much greater. Love Your Melon, founded in 2012, has taken the nation by storm and is supporting thousands of children with cancer each year. For every hat sold, one hat is donated to a child with cancer, helping to alleviate the shame and embarrassment that often accompanies the... posted on Dec 09 2018, 1,610 reads


We Are Still Here
Many indigenous cultures that once existed are now part of past history. However, many of those cultures are indeed alive; examples of resilience and strength. Camille Seaman, an award-winning photographer and Native American, was troubled by her childhood experiences hearing her culture and her people described in the past tense. As she says, "we are still here". With her camera and her purpose,... posted on Dec 08 2018, 4,767 reads


The Extra-Ordinarily Committed Life of Lynne Twist
"We get to meet a lot of amazing, powerful leaders in our work here at Conscious Company and yet some people stand out even more from that rarified group. Lynne Twist is one of those standouts. She's a rare combination of driven and playful; flexible, yet clear. She brings a laser-sharp focus to living her values. She's relentless in her pursuit of changing the dream of modern society, and it's no... posted on Dec 07 2018, 10,795 reads


Farewell Badger
We cross many thresholds of partings in life; sometimes as the one leaving and sometimes as the one staying behind. Often, the farewell that must be expressed is to some emotion or aspect of ourselves we need to release in order to move forward. Pause for a moment and consider a farewell you are facing. Then open your heart and experience this soulful many-layered story of how to approach partings... posted on Dec 06 2018, 12,117 reads


The Reformed Prisoner Who Is Paying It Forward
Raul Baez spent twelve years in prison for armed robbery. While incarcerated, he found God and Christianity and became determined to help others who had also lost their way at some point. He decided to create WITO (We Innovatively Transform Ourselves), a nonprofit organization named after his son. WITO helps inmates make good decisions regarding personal finance and character development before th... posted on Dec 05 2018, 4,297 reads


Garbage Collector's Gift to a Child With Autism
Sometimes bonds are created in unexpected ways and can lead to extraordinary acts of giving. This video from the nonprofit "Autism Speaks" documents just such a moment between Daniel Newberger, a young boy with autism and Manuel Sanchez, the trash collector who decided to cross the divide from friendly stranger to friend.... posted on Dec 04 2018, 3,517 reads


Reimagining the Cosmos
In a conversation ranging from free will to the multiverse to the meaning of the Higgs boson particle, physicist Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University and author of The Elegant Universe, invites us to a thrilling, mind-bending view of the cosmos and of the human adventure of modern science.
... posted on Dec 03 2018, 5,994 reads


An Unlikely Friendship Reignites Two Artists
Brian Peterson didn't know what he had in common with Matt Faris when he went out of his way to meet his Santa Ana, Calif., neighbor. Every day, Peterson would pass by Faris, who has been homeless for more than a decade. But it took some guts, Peterson admits, to finally walk up to him. It was during that first conversation that they discovered they shared the pursuit of art. And Peterson, a car d... posted on Dec 02 2018, 3,563 reads


Sailing the Winds of Grace
A book fell out of a bookcase, fell all the way down the stairs -- not just any book, but a book that held a letter Mother Teresa had written to Rosalie Giffoniello six years earlier. Rosalie had a question: "Can I volunteer at one of your orphanages? Are there special needs children I could help?" Mother Teresa had written back, but Rosalie wasn't quite ready. She stuck the letter in a book. Six... posted on Dec 01 2018, 3,039 reads


Where Homework Means Building Affordable Housing
Each year, beginning in the fall, a group of third-year architecture students from Auburn University take up residence in a small rural Alabama town to begin building a house. In the winter, when a new semester begins, they are replaced at the Newbern, Alabama, project site by another cohort of 16 students who finish up the job and prepare the house for its new occupants. The 20K Home Project bega... posted on Nov 30 2018, 3,988 reads


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Poetry is life distilled.
Gwendolyn Brooks

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