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Home: The Movie
World renowned photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, released "Home" on World Environment Day, June 5, 2009. Shot in 54 countries and 120 locations over 217 days, "Home" is almost entirely composed of aerial footage showing how everything on earth is interconnected. Though the visually stunning images inspire a sense of awe, wonder, and appreciation for our home planet, this film was produced to awa... posted on Dec 29 2018, 3,375 reads


Outside of Time: A Conversation with Linda Connor
"I was flunking French and my uncle paid for a summer in France so I could study French. I'd taken the family Brownie. Later that year I got a basic 35mm, and I just loved making pictures. From then on it was like, 'Okay, this is it!'"Linda Connor went to RISD and studied with Harry Callahan. From there she went to SF where she met Imogene Cunningham. She soon had a job at the San Francisco Art In... posted on Dec 28 2018, 2,070 reads


They Sang with a Thousand Tongues
This season of turning, things going to ground with the promise of new life to come, has many stories from many cultures. It can be easy to get caught up in the fear of unfamiliar stories making the ones we use to give us hope in the cold and dark of winter. Another frame might serve us better. In this essay by Bayo Akomolafe provides the hopeful frame of many voices harmonizing in a joyous chorus... posted on Dec 27 2018, 6,526 reads


Finding Hope in Hopelessness
In a time of uncertainty and increasing grief, suffering, aggression and violence, Margaret Wheatley proposes we release our hope of an outcome, walk without a vision of the future, and let hopelessness be our companion. In our insecurity, self-doubt, and groundlessness, we can orient our soul, spirit, and heart to transcend the experienced world and anchor ourselves in faith. The value, rightness... posted on Dec 26 2018, 19,925 reads


George's Best Friend: A Christmas Story
"A new neighbor moved in next door. His name was George, and he was an older gentleman. He always nodded a greeting when he saw us. It was around Thanksgiving when we saw him park in his space near ours. We were bringing in groceries, and my mom asked him if he had plans for the holiday. When he said no, that he would spend it alone, my mom mentioned her open house on Christmas Eve. 'Please join... posted on Dec 25 2018, 0 reads


Grateful Changemakers: Karma Kitchen
The first Karma Kitchen opened in Berkley, CA in 2007. It began as an experiment of a "gift economy". An economic system where goods and services are gifted - with no strings attached!
What a culture shift!! This model puts people in the position to receive kindness from strangers, inviting us to see from a different perspective. This is such a beautiful exploration of change in our behavi... posted on Dec 24 2018, 8,311 reads


Okagesama is the awareness that what is inside the walls of your house or under the skin of your body or any aspect of your life and experience are elements that cannot be seen. They are in the shadows and in order to see them, we have to look very deeply. Gregg Krech writes that we have to see with more than our eyes. There are unseen forces in our lives that make them possible. When we reflect o... posted on Dec 23 2018, 7,561 reads


Rick Fairall: Blood Brothers
The jagged boulders at the bottom of the snow-filled gully werent fully covered by the snow. They lay in a jumble, piled there by the receding glacier from the last ice age. There was plenty of time to fully regard them as he accelerated towards them, approaching some terminal velocity, down the ice chute into which hed been unceremoniously pitched, headlong. Thus begins Rick Farrells account of ... posted on Dec 22 2018, 1,989 reads


Dealing with the Darkness of What Humans Do to Humans
The darkest capacities of humans to hurt fellow humans and destroy the natural world offer us the challenge of shifting our consciousness to discover what humanity can achieve through awareness, to create something alive and dynamic instead. Two organizations, Rising Women Rising World and FemmeQ have identified five of the outstanding qualities of feminine intelligence --available to men as to wo... posted on Dec 21 2018, 8,567 reads


A Great Urgency: To All World and Spiritual Leaders
In this call for prayer, Avrol Looking Horse requests that all religious and spiritual leaders come together for the Earth. The inciting incident was the Gulf Oil spill in 2010, but the petition for global prayer holds even more true today. Avrol asks that we unite spiritually, All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer.... posted on Dec 20 2018, 4,464 reads


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It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?
Henry David Thoreau

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