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Mary Oliver: Instructions for Living A Life
Mary Oliver was one of the most beloved poets of our times. A writer who was dazzled by her daily experience of life, and dazzled the rest of us by telling about it in her poems and essays. She deliberately stayed out of the public eye and what follows is one of her rare interviews -- a conversation with On Being's Krista Tippett. Read on for a glimpse of the remarkable woman who once wrote: "Wh... posted on Jan 18 2019, 46,631 reads


What Does It Mean to Live Wisely and Well?
What does it mean to live wisely and well and what does it take? How can we cultivate qualities such as love, wisdom, kindness, and compassion? Dr. Roger Walsh's lifework, addresses these questions. A man with an eclectic past, Roger has explored contemplative life as a professor, physician, therapist, celebrated author, spouse, spiritual practitioner, and inquisitive human being. He is a for... posted on Jan 17 2019, 6,403 reads


... posted on Jan 16 2019, 2,947 reads


The Difference Between Fixing and Healing
Encounter the mystery of life and living with Krista Tippet and Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, wise physician, author and founder of the Remen Institute for the study of Health and Illness.
Through hearing these powerful stories we can sense that our losses, our illnesses have helped us to live fully and to heal not only ourselves but those whose lives we touch. Life is full of losses and disappo... posted on Jan 15 2019, 14,428 reads


Call of the Mountain
Have ever asked yourself, why am I moved to tears or laughter at the sight of a soaring bird? Have you ever felt deeply drawn to a tree, a river, an ocean or a mountain? Settle in and watch this video. Come home to who you are in this wide wonderful world. Learn how even your smallest daily choices can be deeply meaningful and fulfilling once you understand the your deep connections to the vastnes... posted on Jan 14 2019, 4,060 reads


ËœNYC Books Through Bars
"I recently slipped through a sidewalk cellar door to enter the basement of Freebird Books, a large space crammed with books organized into different sections, where I spent the evening reading letters from prison inmates and selecting and packaging books for them. At least twice a week, volunteers go through the 700-800 letters NYC Books Through Bars, a collective based in New York City, New York... posted on Jan 13 2019, 5,331 reads


Simplify Technology with Limits
"The problem comes when we try to figure out how to get a grip on it all, to tame technology to do what we need and then let it go so we can be more present, go outside more, move more, be connected to each other in real life more. Wrangling the chaos into something that we use consciously isn't always easy. I propose simplicity. And the method I propose is limits.This is nothing new -- I've been ... posted on Jan 12 2019, 7,617 reads


Waiting to Unfold
Mirka Knaster, fiber and mixed media artist, asks us "How many times have artists thought, while working on a project, 'Will I ever get this completed?' How often do we face seemingly unsurmountable obstacles on the path to turning our vision into reality? And when will we reach the level of proficiency and excellence we aspire to?" These questions are familiar to any creative person who has a vis... posted on Jan 11 2019, 7,950 reads


When Crafts Become Activism
"Sarah Corbett never dreamed a cross-stitched teddy bear could change her life and how she approached her career. But looking back, she realizes that thats when it all started.
Corbett, a professional campaigner for causes and charities, was preparing to board a train from London to Glasgow to give yet another workshop on training people as activists.But she was exhausted, stressed, and bur... posted on Jan 10 2019, 11,408 reads


Aesthetic Thought: A Conversation with Lobsang Ragpay
A talk Lobsang gave twenty years ago stayed with me. But what did he mean by "aesthetic thought"? And why was it so important? In a recent interview, Rapgay talks about allowing a thought to come forth rather than the habitual way of going looking for one. It means having a direct experience. "The real freedom," he says, "is freedom from our thoughts and projections." It's not an easy path. ... posted on Jan 09 2019, 2,456 reads


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The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is Love.

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