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Nathan Oliveira: Fundamentals
In this beautiful interview, renowned painter Nathan Oliveira muses about a lifetime of art making, "Something comes to life that doesn't normally come to life, but it's something rather rare because you can paint, and keep putting material on and on and on, and nothing can happen. It's something you simply have to find --and at a given moment, there is something there: it's extraordinary! A sort ... posted on Feb 07 2019, 2,270 reads


The New and Ancient Story of Interbeing
"Why does the sun shine? A random result of coalescing gases igniting nuclear fusion? Or is it in order to give its light and warmth to Life? Why does the rain fall? Is it the senseless product of blind chemical processes of evaporation and condensation? Or is it to water life? Why do you seek to pour forth your song? Is it to show off your genetic fitness to attract a mate, or is it to contribute... posted on Feb 06 2019, 9,542 reads


The Urgency of Slowing Down
Join Krista Tippett from On Being in this intimate interview with Pico Iyer, author of over a dozen books and chronicler of the "global soul". Based in Japan, he's traveled across our blue planet paying special attention to the mapping and modern rediscovery of our inner world. But he also experiences a remote Benedictine hermitage as his second home, retreating there many times each year. In this... posted on Feb 05 2019, 8,577 reads


On Defining Spirit
"What then is the spiritual? I find it difficult to define directly. It's much easier to say what it isn't that what it is. For example -- the spiritual is often confused with the moral, but it's not the moral. Morality is concerned with issues of right and wrong. Although often attributed to the "godhead", it actually has a social basis and reflects a social tradition or consensus. What is consid... posted on Feb 04 2019, 10,901 reads


Grief as Deep Activism
No one escapes suffering in this life. Yet we live in a collective denial, deprived of meaningful ways to speak of sorrows and collective practices of releasing grief. Francis Weller walks us to the shore of sorrows and shows us how this ocean ripples through our individual lives, through community, and into the Earth herself. He invites us to see the illusion of private pain that imprisons us. He... posted on Feb 03 2019, 0 reads


Ask Where I'm Local
So many times when we introduce ourselves others, or are introduced by someone else, we place a lot of importance on naming where we are from. Often, this where is explained with the name of a country or state or city. But these are not naturally occurring phenomena. Countries, states, and cities are concepts; explaining almost nothing about us. The experiences of our daily lives and the actual ph... posted on Feb 02 2019, 10,741 reads


How to Be Yourself
Some days, you need to remind yourself about what's truly important in life. So sit back with a cup of your favorite beverage and give yourself a few minutes to savor this sweet video, which gives you a prescription for happiness in two minutes, starting with "show up."... posted on Feb 01 2019, 11,468 reads


The Universe as an Infinite Storm of Beauty
Taking a walk in a quiet woods, gazing up into the night sky, or even walking in a crowd in a large city somewhere in the world, we may find ourselves having transcendent moments along with John Muir. These moments awaken us to our place within the universe at the same time that they disorient us as we realize how small we are. In this piece, writer Maria Popova helps us to see through John Muir'... posted on Jan 31 2019, 6,847 reads


Matthew Sanford Transforms Loss
In 1978 Matthew Sanford was paralyzed in a car accident that took the lives of his father and sister. He was thirteen years old. He shares his story of transformation through loss in this insightful interview. Through the teachings of yoga and building a relationship to his body he became in touch with the "more" we all know ourselves to be. Our bodies make the intangible, tangible; integrating bo... posted on Jan 30 2019, 9,218 reads


We Teach Who We Are
If you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up the answer is never "loved" or "happy" or "peaceful." We put a lot of weight on success, on setting goals and reaching them. And we quantify those accomplishments. How much did you get done today? What is your salary? How big is your house? Even our connections today are quantifiable. You have 500 friends on social media. You scroll through... posted on Jan 29 2019, 3,750 reads


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Quote Bulletin

We have enough stuff in the world -- it's just not in the right places.
Becky Morrison

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