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Maria Popova: Books are the Original Internet
Maria Popova is a Bulgarian-born writer, blogger, literary and cultural critic living in Brooklyn, New York. She writes Brain Pickings, a blog she calls "my one-woman labor of love." In this interview by Oscar Schwartz, she says "Books are the original internet." Schwarts calls her "switched on, irresistibly articulate, fully engaged...She talks about complex ideas in a way that transforms them in... posted on Feb 17 2019, 9,054 reads


Growing a Cross-Cultural Garden
Padma Hejmadi paints a delightful landscape of her life of travels and setting roots through gardens all over the world. She weaves back to memories of her roots and family gardens in India and learns of community and connection and culture through her relationships with the garden of life.... posted on Feb 16 2019, 4,973 reads


Scilla Elworthy: A Business Plan for Peace
A distinguished activist for peace for over 30 years, Dr. Scilla Elworthy has met with scientists and nuclear weapons policy makers from all five nuclear powers. She founded the Oxford Research Group, Peace Direct, and co-founded 'Rising Women, Rising World' and FemmeQ, and was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize. She is interviewed here about her latest book, "The Business Plan for Pe... posted on Feb 15 2019, 7,883 reads


Maira Kalman: Daily Things to Fall in Love With
Maira Kalman would describe her life as very boring. "If most people had to live it, they would go, 'Oh, that's it?'" she says. Yet the visual storyteller, and author and illustrator of over 20 books for adults and children leads a life that would leave many with feelings of awe and fascination. Paying keen attention to its details, she is a master of introspection, curiosity, and awareness. In th... posted on Feb 14 2019, 6,738 reads


How Conscious Leadership Can Unlock a Better Workplace
Diana Chapman is one of the world's foremost experts on conscious leadership, and co-author of the influential book, "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership". Her mission is to help individuals, teams, and organizations learn how to eliminate drama and suffering from their individual and collective lives. In this interview, Diana shares her ideas about what conscious leadership is, how to star... posted on Feb 13 2019, 8,541 reads


12 Truths I Learned from Life and Writing
A few days before she turned 61, author Anne Lamott wrote down everything she knew. "There's so little truth in the popular culture," she says. "And it's good to be sure of a few things." In this TED Talk, with her characteristic wit and wisdom, Lamott delivers 12 things she knows for sure. Reflecting on grace, faith, family and more, she explores what it means to be human in a world where blessin... posted on Feb 12 2019, 849,446 reads


Pauline Boss: Ambiguous Loss and the Myth of Closure
Pauline Boss is professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota. She is the author of, among other books, "Loving Someone Who Has Dementia." Boss offers the perspective that the idea of closure leads us astray, "a myth we need to put aside, like the idea we've accepted that grief has five linear stages and we come out the other side done with it. She coined the term "ambiguous loss," creating a... posted on Feb 11 2019, 10,803 reads


Embracing the Great Fullness of Life
"We all have our ideas about how life should go. Ideas painted within us as hopes, longings, opinions. Those painted around us as cultural norms, trajectories, worthwhile goals. We have ideas in mind about most everything how our bodies should work, how love should work, how the world should work. Politics. Sleep. Weather. What we want and do not want. Ideas that make things bad or good, yes or n... posted on Feb 10 2019, 10,638 reads


5 Core Practices for More Meaningful Conversations
Communication affects every aspect of our lives. Mindful communications with consciousness and presence improves our relations and enhances our capacity for life. Oren Jay Sofer, author of "Say What You Mean" shares 5 practices to deepen our communications. ... posted on Feb 09 2019, 33,987 reads


The Challenges of Raising a Digital Native
Dr. Devorah Heitner's research into the challenges of raising children in the digital age is a tremendous resource for parents and teachers. She has gone right to the source, learning about children's experiences with technology, and listening to their creative solutions to challenges they face. We can all learn through her from the children themselves. First and foremost, they want the people in ... posted on Feb 08 2019, 2,617 reads


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Quote Bulletin

On the last day of the world I would want to plant a tree.
W.S. Merwin

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