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The Joy of Being a Woman in Her Seventies
"When I told my friends I was writing a book on older women like us, they immediately protested, "I am not old." What they meant was that they didn't act or feel like the cultural stereotypes of women their age. Old meant bossy, useless, unhappy and in the way. Our country's ideas about old women are so toxic that almost no one, no matter her age, will admit she is old." Mary Pipher, a clinical ps... posted on Feb 27 2019, 472,690 reads


The Geography of Sorrow
In this interview, psychotherapist Francis Weller, author of The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, invites us to view grief as a visitor to be welcomed, not shunned. He reminds us that, in addition to feeling pain over the loss of loved ones, we harbor sorrows stemming from the state of the world, the cultural maladies we inherit, and the misunderstood parts of ... posted on Feb 26 2019, 62,129 reads


Hands Across the Hills
Hands Across the Hills formed in response to the 2016 United States presidential election with the goal of bringing together people who voted differently, face to face. Two small groups, progressives in rural Western Massachusetts (MA) and conservatives in Eastern Kentucky (KY) coal country, met for two weekends of dialogue and cultural exchange in each others towns in fall 2017 and spring 2018.... posted on Feb 25 2019, 7,416 reads


Maya Soetoro-Ng: Ceeds of Peace
Learn the roots of peace building in this engaging recap of an interview with Maya Soetoro-Ng. Maya is an educator, peace builder and non profit leader. She is the co-founder of Ceeds of Peace, a teaching curriculum for peace-building action. Maya sees herself and her organization as encouraging people on how they can be more connected to self, others, and nature and through that journey create mo... posted on Feb 24 2019, 5,996 reads


Ana Valdes-Lim: The Reward is in the Process
Ana Valdes-Lim is the first Filipina graduate of New York's prestigious Julliard School. She was cited as one of their 100 Most Outstanding Alumni in 100 years. Additionally, she is an author of several books on theatre. After a successful career in the U.S., she returned to the Philippines, where she is passionate about theater as a vessel for transformation. Ana shares her vision and talents w... posted on Feb 23 2019, 8,003 reads


When the Market is Our Only Language
Many in the West revere the creation of wealth. Anand Giridharadas wants us to examine this and how it shapes our lives together. In this challenging conversation with Krista Tippit of the podcast, On Being, he explores the moral compromises behind notions like "win-win" and "doing well by doing good." Giridharadas describes this as being an historic time similar to that of the first Gilded Age, d... posted on Feb 22 2019, 4,973 reads


13 Ways of Looking at Community
"Community cannot take root in a divided life. Long before community assumes external shape and form, it must be present as seed in the undivided self: only as we are in communion with ourselves can we find community with others. Community is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace, the flowing of personal identity and integrity into the world of relationships." Parker Palmer ... posted on Feb 21 2019, 17,945 reads


In An Unspoken Voice: The Changing Face of Trauma
Peter Levine therapist, best selling author and educator has spent over 40 years understanding and developing treatments for trauma. He is the developer of the Somatic Experiencing technique. He shares from his book "In an Unspoken Voice", how our perspectives on trauma and extreme stress have shifted from acceptance as a part of our biology, a part of every life, to something separate and minimiz... posted on Feb 20 2019, 10,556 reads


Sacred Instructions: Creation Songs
"The relationships that exist between people and place are often memorialized through defining words that merge into story. As Indigenous people, our lives comprise these words and the stories that they illustrate. These words and stories paint a picture that brings into form all of the elements of our existence. They provide a clear view of our unique cultural landscape, and they offer us a defin... posted on Feb 19 2019, 10,029 reads


Recording Nature's Conversation
Matt Mikkelsen is a documentary film maker, sound recordist and environmental activist in an unusual cause: the preservation of "natural silence"soundscapes undisturbed by the noise of human activity. He works with Gordon Hempton on the One Square Inch of Silence project, symbolised by a small red stone placed in the centre of the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park, Washington State, the so-... posted on Feb 18 2019, 6,690 reads


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He who wants to do good knocks on the door He who loves finds the door open

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