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A Small Dark Light: Le Guin on the Legacy of the Tao Te Ching
Brain Pickings' Maria Popova explores Ursula Le Guins life long love affair with the Tao te Ching. Le Guins relationship with this ageless wisdom began as a young child. Ursula's interpretation of this work spans almost 70 years. Her work with distilling the essence of the Tao continues to teach us about personal and political power. This beautiful interpretation makes the Tao more accessible to ... posted on Mar 10 2019, 7,109 reads


We Contain Multitudes
"It's possible to be a person with all of a multitude of experiences all at the same time. You can be a kid barely removed from a trailer park with an illiterate grandfather and disruptive mental illness in your family and go to Duke and study Shakespeare and build a successful career and eventually go to New York City and take a company public as a CEO. I actually think we would be better served ... posted on Mar 09 2019, 9,543 reads


Therapy Dogs Help Kids With Trauma Tell Their Stories
Companions for Courage in Orlando, Florida, is a community outreach program that provides therapy dogs for children who have experienced trauma and need to confront that trauma in court. The dogs provide a sense of security, creating a bond with child victims, giving them the courage and confidence to face the court situation. The dogs enable the children to stay calm and tell their stories. The c... posted on Mar 08 2019, 1,980 reads


Seven Generations of Love
"The ranch, it turns out, is no ordinary ranch. It is a 13,000-acre property nestled next to Laramie Peak that Mark's grandfather bought in 1945. It is made up of hills and valleys, meadows and creeks, plains and buttes, caves and waterfalls. Sage and cheat grass cover the ground, and pine trees spring up near the hills. Giant granite boulders give way to cliffs and streams. All kinds of wildlife ... posted on Mar 07 2019, 8,529 reads


Three Minutes and a Pair of Socks
Our daily interactions have great potential: to shape our futures, our families, our life's work, or simply to brighten someone's day. We often don't know where a brief exchange with the checkout clerk might lead or how our kind words will impact a stranger. Yet sometimes we are given the gift of witnessing a single conversation's journey, gaining glimpses into the lives it touches along the way. ... posted on Mar 06 2019, 9,126 reads


Breaking Out of Our Resistance Bubble
Explore the intersection of spiritual journey and social change with this riveting interview from Sounds True and Van Jones, NY times best selling author, public speaker and host of the Van Jones show on CNN. He calls on our collective soulfulness, grounded into life, and our strong sense of self, joy and dignity. Van challenges us to work with others that are unlike ourselves, to be in the chaos ... posted on Mar 05 2019, 8,566 reads


The Price of Free
In this film about Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, his journey to liberate every child from slavery is told in triumphant and devastating detail. "The Price of Free" follows Satyarthi and his team of activists around the world on secret raid and rescue missions as they hunt for missing children and work to reunite them with their families. Watch this heartbreaking, inspirational film in it... posted on Mar 04 2019, 2,168 reads


Reconnecting to the Soil, to Heal Ourselves and the Planet
"For thousands of years Black people have had a sacred relationship with soil that far surpasses our 246 years of enslavement and 75 years of sharecropping in the United States. For many, this period of land-based terror has devastated that connection. We have confused the subjugation our ancestors experienced on land with the land herself, naming her the oppressor and running toward paved streets... posted on Mar 03 2019, 6,799 reads


20 Social Change Books to Read in the New Year
These stories of hope for a better future will inspire you to rediscover your humanity. Can you widen your views of climate to include all of nature as your self, seeing it all as sacred and valuable? How would a new economy be reorganized to inspire creativity and connection? How will working together, forming cooperatives and creating more connection help us to rediscover our capacity for growt... posted on Mar 01 2019, 9,967 reads


Into the Middle of Nowhere
Imaginations run wild in this touching video of young children as they explore their surroundings at an outdoor nursery in Scotland. With admirable patience and unwavering deliberation, they build an aeroplane and travel the world without ever leaving the ground. Press play to witness the human mind's capacity for creativity, connection, and joy of discovery.... posted on Feb 28 2019, 2,559 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Love sacrifices all things to bless the thing it loves..
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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