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Holding Circles of Healing
"In 2017, we released our labor of love film, "TeachMeToBeWILD: A Story of Hurt Children and their Animal Healers". This film is a universal healing story that brings together many interconnected elements: children, animals, nature, silence and the power of safe, non-judgemental listening spaces. One of our greatest inspirations to make the film was witnessing how Steve Karlin and John Malloy do n... posted on Mar 20 2019, 8,559 reads


Children, Anger Control and Inuit Wisdom
"Traditional Inuit parenting is incredibly nurturing and tender. If you took all the parenting styles around the world and ranked them by their gentleness, the Inuit approach would likely rank near the top. (They even have a special kiss for babies, where you put your nose against the cheek and sniff the skin.) The culture views scolding -- or even speaking to children in an angry voice -- as inap... posted on Mar 19 2019, 16,435 reads


The Naked Voice: Transforming Life through the Power of Sound
"Your voice is as unique as your twelve-stranded DNA. However, many don't know how to access it. Our schools and social conditioning don't offer many clues. Yet the human voice is everyone's birthright. It is a universal given, a bridge between the worlds, the soul's messenger, a gift of spirit capable of inspiring evolutionary shifts in consciousness. Your authentic singing voice is the muscle an... posted on Mar 18 2019, 8,195 reads


A Moment with Mr. Rogers
"I interviewed Fred Rogers, creator and host of television's Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, by telephone a few years before he died. The occasion was the publication of his new book. Mister Rogers arrived on television after I grew up but I'd watched his show with our young daughter. She and I both preferred the often frantic Sesame Street, finding the Neighborhood a bit slow, sometimes a bit boring... posted on Mar 17 2019, 9,488 reads


Family Is Helping Others to Heal
Oscar Grant III was an unarmed Black man killed by a police officer in Oakland, Calif., years before Black Lives Matter drew national attention to the growing number of unarmed Black men, women and children who die at the hands of law enforcement officers what some scholars are calling an epidemic.Jan. 1 marked 10 years since the 22-year-old father was fatally shot by the Bay Area Regional Transit... posted on Mar 16 2019, 3,577 reads


Eight Tips for Fostering Mindfulness in Teenagers
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a successful teacher? In this article, mindfulness educator Patrick Cook-Deegan shares what he's learned about how to connect with teenagers in the classroom. From the importance of class size and curriculum, to when students are most engaged, these tips offer valuable insights into the challenging and rewarding world of teaching.... posted on Mar 15 2019, 11,029 reads


Letters from a Tibetan Colony
In this moving piece from over a decade ago, Dr. Sriram Shamasunder, shares updates from a month working in a refugee community comprised mostly of Buddhist monks and nuns. He writes of the contrast between the deep care and concern that this community extends to all forms of life, and the apathy with which their own medical needs are handled by the government. His poignant piece is a reminder of ... posted on Mar 14 2019, 5,636 reads


What's In the Way is the Way
Mary O'Malley is an author, counselor, and acknowledged leader in the field of spiritual awakening. In this interview with Tami Simon, Mary discuss the eight "spells" that keep us feeling separate from life as well as the remedies that bring us more fully into the energetic flow of existence. She speaks of the need for curiosity and the role it plays in uniting our attention with our present-momen... posted on Mar 13 2019, 11,027 reads


Angels in the Details
You know the saying "The devil is in the details." This nugget of hard-earned wisdom reminds us how hard it can be to transform an idea into something that actually works in real life. What if there was a book where there were angels in the details? John Todd's Healing Earth: An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship is just such a book. It is filled with gloriously simple... posted on Mar 12 2019, 6,311 reads


Inner Strength Foundation
Many adolescents growing up in poverty have limited resources to help them cope with the difficulties their circumstances may bring: violence, resource scarcity, homelessness, to name but a few. In Philadelphia, the poorest of America's ten largest cities, the Inner Strength Foundation is equipping aspiring youth from vulnerable communities with tools to self reflect, develop interpersonal skills,... posted on Mar 11 2019, 6,220 reads


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Quote Bulletin

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Cynthia Ozick

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