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The Obvious is Elusive
Moshe Feldenkrais, a physicist and Judo blackbelt who developed a somatic education method named after him, challenges us to think differently. He says that "speaking is not thinking, although we "obviously" consider them as the same thing...Suffice to think what God, truth, justice, honesty, communism, fascism, and so on mean in different human societies to see that much of our trouble lies in th... posted on Apr 29 2019, 4,754 reads


10 Sharing-Focused Books to Read this Spring
Whenever people come together, something has to be shared. in the workplace, the home, the neighborhood; even in the grocery store. The books in this book list from Shareable, an award winning nonprofit, delve into understanding the what, who, how and why of sharing our way into a brighter future. Dive in and get inspired, excited and sharing.... posted on Apr 28 2019, 8,944 reads


Butterflies Without Borders
Change is the only constant. And things are going to be different, not better or worse, just different. Our first impulse in the face of overwhelming change is often to resist and try to stop it from happening. How would it be if we could transform our fear into energy influencing the inevitable changes of life? Learn more about how some courageous people are learning to influence the changes faci... posted on Apr 27 2019, 2,711 reads


A Good Death: An Interview with Stephen Jenkinson
Author of Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul, and subject of the documentary Griefwalker, palliative care counselor and theologian Stephen Jenkinson invites us to contemplate the mystery and meaning of a "good death" so we may more fully embrace life. Drawing on Buddhism and the ancestral wisdom of indigenous people, Jenkinson ponders the ways in which Western individualism has contributed ... posted on Apr 26 2019, 21,946 reads


James Fox and the Prison Yoga Project
James Fox is the founder and director of the Prison Yoga Project, an organization dedicated to establishing yoga and mindfulness programs in prisons and rehabilitation centers worldwide. Since 2002, Fox has been teaching yoga and meditation to prisoners in California and around the world. The Prison Yoga Project helps incarcerated men and women build a better life through trauma-informed yoga with... posted on Apr 25 2019, 4,919 reads


God Who Weeps: A Story of Grief and Redemption
It all started in 1980 when Sister Marilyn Lacey responded to a call for volunteers at San Francisco airport to help refugee families from Southeast Asia make their connecting flights. The experience laid a galvanizing hand on her heart. Soon after, she flew to Thailand and spent a year working in a refugee camp. Later she would go to South Sudan and multiple other countries in Africa to witness f... posted on Apr 24 2019, 8,135 reads


Coming Back to Being: A Conversation with Alan Wallace
Alan tells how as a young man, he reached a moment where he sent out a message to the universe. I need to meet a wise old man, and I need it now! He was hitchhiking alone in Norway when, as he says, I looked over my shoulder and saw a little black VW bug pulled over. There was a little old man, beckoning to me. Would you like a ride? Thus begins our remarkable interview with one of the preeminent ... posted on Apr 23 2019, 4,036 reads


The Jai Jagat Journey
This spring, 17 children from six slums in India are embarking on a one-of-a-kind journey to share a message of love and oneness with the world. The Jai Jagat Show they will present is a 90-minute dance, drama and musical production celebrating the values that Mahatma Gandhi embodied. The show includes inspiration from other global heroes, like Malala Yousafzai, Wangari Mathai, Masahisa Goi, Yusra... posted on Apr 22 2019, 1,834 reads


Julian Norwich and the Process of Transformation
What might a medieval recluse teach us post modern activists about transformation? All will be well! is the underlying message from the 1300's Julian of Norwich. Author Veronica Mary Rolf shares the deep mystical experiences of Julian after a near death experience and how that shaped her life. Julian of Norwich teaches that through deep contemplation and becoming ever more aware of being aware, we... posted on Apr 21 2019, 14,635 reads


Parker Palmer Muses on the Season
"I will wax romantic about spring and its splendors in a moment, but first there is a hard truth to be told: before spring becomes beautiful, it is plug ugly, nothing but mud and muck. I have walked in the early spring through fields that will suck your boots off, a world so wet and woeful it makes you yearn for the return of ice. But in that muddy mess, the conditions for rebirth are being create... posted on Apr 20 2019, 0 reads


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Quote Bulletin

You do not see the river of mourning because it lacks one tear of your own.
Antonio Porchia

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