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Gus: A Story of Loss and Love
There is a saying that when we know better, we do better. Such was the case for Gus Mojica, a former gang member. As a young teen, he did what others in his neighborhood were doing without seeing or knowing a better way to live. He recalls vividly the night that changed everything for him. After being in a gang for almost 20 years, he suffered a loss that showed him he had to change. What he has d... posted on May 09 2019, 7,157 reads


Breathing into Balance
We've discovered that breathing more deeply helps us center ourselves, but did you know why? Dr. Shawna Darou explains the mechanics of how it works. The secret is to activate the Vagus nerve, which travels all the way from the brain to the digestive system, operating via the parasympathetic nervous system. Read on for some exercises that can help us reduce inflammation in the body, as well as bol... posted on May 08 2019, 16,937 reads


Searching for Meaning Purpose and Patterns
Underneath many of the problems facing us today lie personal choices. Many of us are not only dissatisfied with the immense global problems we face but also with the quality of our own lives. One way to address these global challenges by connecting their solutions to smaller choices we already want to make in our personal lives. Sky Nelson-Isaacs lucidly explains how we can move into rhythm with t... posted on May 07 2019, 9,501 reads


Grateful for the Dark Stuff Too
Orienting ourselves toward gratitude is a cultural trend and a healthy practice. Whether we are keeping a daily list, posting on social media platforms, journaling, or praying each morning, practicing gratitude has positive results for physical and emotional health and even in our professional lives. Laura Grace Weldon suggests taking this practice even further and being grateful for those people,... posted on May 06 2019, 8,160 reads


Harbored by a Mulberry Tree
Kate Legge, journalist and author, reflects on her life through her relationships with trees. One of her life long friends and teachers was the mulberry in her back garden growing up. Here, held in its arms, she was able to cross the threshold into enchantment. She learned to appreciate the world we live in and natures ingenious design, by becoming a tree whisperer.... posted on May 05 2019, 7,256 reads


The Call for a Capitalist Reformation
If business leaders want to take credit for all the good that has come from capitalism, then we also must reconcile all the bad that has come along with it. One way to do that is to use our unique power and privilege to design and invest in a better system that serves all of us, not just some of us." Jay Coen Gilbert Co-founder of B Lab and the movement of Certified B Corporations shares more in t... posted on May 04 2019, 4,770 reads


Becoming a Blessing
"A good story is like a compass, it points to something true and invites us to orient our own direction according to it and perhaps to live a little better." With these words Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen proceeds to tell stories that enthrall and enchant and indeed help to orient us and guide us to seek to live better. She shares stories of her grandfather, whom she calls a "flaming mystic," that were t... posted on May 03 2019, 4,507 reads


J.B. Priestley on Life's Delights
"I followed a path that led me into one of these woods, through a tunnel of green gloom and smoky blue dusk. It was very quiet, very remote, in there. My feet sank into the pile of the pine needles. The last bright tatters of sunlight vanished. Some bird went whirring and left behind a deeper silence. I breathed a different air, ancient and aromatic." A joyful observer of the quotidian, playwright... posted on May 02 2019, 6,529 reads


J.B. Priestley and Life's Delights
"I followed a path that led me into one of these woods, through a tunnel of green gloom and smoky blue dusk. It was very quiet, very remote, in there. My feet sank into the pile of the pine needles. The last bright tatters of sunlight vanished. Some bird went whirring and left behind a deeper silence. I breathed a different air, ancient and aromatic." A joyful observer of the quotidian, playwright... posted on May 01 2019, 0 reads


All My Best Words Were Hers: A Tribute to Ursula Le Guin
The impact of literature and specifically, an author, on a person can be "unfathomable." In this tender tribute, Isaac Yuen recounts the many ways Ursula K. Le Guin influenced his life and his writing. He admits he is "only a fan." He confesses his inadequacy in expressing how her work guides his: "I write about how reading her words transported me to strange worlds and into new souls, how that sp... posted on Apr 30 2019, 7,002 reads


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