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Scott Fry is a Loving Earthling
What would business look like if instead of the bottom line being bigger is better, or how can we make more money - different questions were asked that are based on relationships to the people, to families, community, that are looking at how we can heal the land, and honor the sacred? Join Nathan Scolero from Dumbo Feather magazine in this phenomenal story of Scott Fry and his journey to creating ... posted on May 19 2019, 5,593 reads


Skateboard Parks and the Power of Relationship
Eight years ago, Ulrike Reinhard flew to India for on a business trip. Instead of flying back home, however, she "got stuck" and decided to make India her home. In this interview, Ulrike describes how she was driven to build a skateboard park in the middle of a poverty-ridden village in Madhya Pradesh. Many projects are built with fences and "Do Not Enter" signs surrounding it; in contrast, this s... posted on May 18 2019, 3,657 reads


Heroines of Health
This moving documentary shares "three of the many untold stories that hold the key to unlocking better health for more people around the world." The three women, one a medical doctor and teacher from India, another a midwife assistant from Indonesia, and the third the director of a community health center in Kenya, though worlds apart, share a common journey to bring hope to women and children in ... posted on May 17 2019, 1,902 reads


Humanity's Path to a Flourishing Future
"I discovered that what makes humans unique is that we--to a greater extent than any other species--have what I call a 'patterning instinct:' we are driven to pattern meaning into our world. That drive is what led humans to develop language, myth, and culture. It enabled us to invent tools and develop science, giving us tremendous benefits but also putting us on a collision course with the natural... posted on May 16 2019, 6,556 reads


In their award-winning short film Trailhead, documentary filmmakers Emily Fraser and Henry Weiner offer an exploration of the history and heart behind the creation of hundreds of miles of interconnected wildland trails minutes from downtown Oakland, California. Profiling the volunteer network of hikers, bikers, dog walkers, historians and educators who donate their time to help maintain this cheri... posted on May 15 2019, 2,164 reads


Who is Mother?
Matt Hopwood is a writer, storyteller and founder of A Human Love Story. He has traveled widely to gather peoples experiences of love and connection. In 2018 after the death of his beloved grandmother - he wanted to explore the role of mother in our lives and communities. Matt eventually grew the awareness of the sense of Mother in himself. He shares with us his yearning to nurture, the longing to... posted on May 14 2019, 5,845 reads


Organizations Beyond Ego
Join Tami Simon from Sounds True in this evolutionary interview with Frederic Laloux, business analyst and author of Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness, perhaps the most influential business book of this decade. What does it mean to move beyond ego--in the business world? How do we balance fulfilling financial obligations ... posted on May 13 2019, 7,799 reads


Mother's Day: Belonging to Each Other
"Mother's Day offers us opportunities to express our love and thanks to the women who have cared for us in our lives --the birth or adoptive mother, the grandmother, the teacher, or the elder friend who have helped grow us up. But it's not all Hallmark cards and breakfasts-in-bed. This particular holiday can stir up feelings of grief and pain for some of us. We may suffer for the mother we have lo... posted on May 12 2019, 8,397 reads


Can Borrowing from Neighbors Strengthen Democracy?

In the course of our daily lives, we may find abundant evidence that our social fabric has frayed. As Robert Putnam discussed in his 2000 book Bowling Alone, Americans have become increasingly isolated, drifting away from activities that stimulate civic engagement. Could the casual connection created through borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbor help restore the sense of community neede... posted on May 11 2019, 5,186 reads


SuperBetter: A Healing Game
In the face of death, or other deeply challenging circumstances, how would you respond? Many people come to such moments full of suffering and regret. What if you could do small things every day that would help you face life's challenges in a way that fosters resilience and transformation? In this research-packed and fun TED talk, on-line game designer Jane McGonigal guides a real-time social game... posted on May 10 2019, 17,749 reads


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Quote Bulletin

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

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