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What We Should Know About Animals
It's easy to assume that animals experience happiness (just think of a dog wagging its tail), but what about higher-level emotions and qualities like selflessness, empathy, or even love? In "Beyond Words: How Animals Think and Feel," conservationist Carl Safina shares stories from decades of observing animals and combines it with new brain research to paint a picture of animals' emotional landscap... posted on Jun 28 2019, 2,980 reads


A Primer for Forgetting
"We live in a culture that prizes memory--how much we can store, the quality of what's preserved, how we might better document and retain the moments of our life while fighting off the nightmare of losing all that we have experienced. But what if forgetfulness were seen not as something to fear--be it in the form of illness or simple absentmindedness--but rather as a blessing, a balm, a path to pe... posted on Jun 27 2019, 5,260 reads


The Table of Voices
Richard Kamler was drawn to art's potential to touch people deeply and, in that way, bring about real change. In this interview, he talks about the evolution of his work with prisoners. "During that first year, I began to change - dramatically. I began to really think about art, and in a much different way than I did when I went to school. I began to see art as something that really could reveal t... posted on Jun 26 2019, 3,835 reads


Cellist Plays Bach in the Shadow of the US-Mexico Border
With powerful words, performing music by Bach, renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma reminds us of music's unique power to connect and unite everyone. At the border between sister cities Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, he quotes from the poem by Emma Lazarus on the base of the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free...". Like the Statue of Liber... posted on Jun 25 2019, 3,244 reads


Meet Fadak: Australia's Inspiring Refugee Advocate
Fadak Alfayadh spent her childhood in Iraqa country that shifted from one world to an entirely different, unliveable one seemingly overnight. 15 years ago Fadak sought refuge with her family in Australia, where they received little support from the system but were welcomed by their community in Dandenong, Victoria. Today, Fadak is paving the way for the refugees who have arrived in her wake. Her M... posted on Jun 24 2019, 3,228 reads


The Gift of Humility
The act of receiving a gift from another requires recognition of our dependence on those around us. Yet it can be difficult for us to live in a space where we're confronted with the notion of giving up control. "From the air we breathe, to the body we each inhabit, we are living a profound gift, and yet, we can struggle to see and relate to life as a gift," writes Colette Lafia, a San Francisco-ba... posted on Jun 23 2019, 6,832 reads


Happiness Experts on Why Mind Wandering Can Be So Miserable
In the last 15 years, the science of mind wandering has become a popular topic of scholarly study, thanks in part to advances in brain imaging. It turns out that our brains are wily, wild things, and what they do when we're not paying attention has major implications for our happiness. In 2010, Matt Killingsworth, then a doctoral student at Harvard University, designed an iPhone app that pinged pe... posted on Jun 22 2019, 5,236 reads


Island of Plenty
Eva and her family live an isolated life on the remote island of Stra Dmun, in the middle of the North Atlantic Sea, with the occasional helicopter visit their only connection to the outside world. While they are geographically isolated, Eva states that she never feels lonely. Eight generations of her family have lived on this island, with children seeing first hand the full cycle of life all arou... posted on Jun 21 2019, 3,639 reads


The Soul of a Naturalist: An Interview with Sy Montgomery
Sy Montgomery is a bestselling author who has written 21 books for adults and children. Here she discusses her writing, her experiences, her book ‘The Soul of an Octopus,” and more. ... posted on Jun 20 2019, 2,487 reads


Happiness is Practice, Not Pleasure
Put aside your preconceptions of happiness and join Krista Tippett with French born Tibetan monk Matthieu Ricard, author of Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill. Ricard reframes happiness as not simply a pleasure or sensation to be experienced, but as a skill to be practiced and cultivated. He asks, "What are the inner conditions that foster a genuine sense of flourishing, ... posted on Jun 19 2019, 9,035 reads


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Whatever life presents us, our response can be an expression of our compassion.
Sharon Salzberg

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