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Protect. Restore. Fund.
Climate activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot talk about solutions to the problem of anthropogenic global warming: a combination of leaving fossil fuels in the ground and protecting and restoring living ecosystems like forests, mangroves, swamps and seabeds that can pull enormous quantities of carbon from the air and store them safely, naturally. Current government subsidies around the world... posted on Sep 27 2019, 1,946 reads


Call of the Forest: The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees
"Call of the Forest" is a documentary that follows visionary scientist, conservationist and author, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, on her journey to the most beautiful forests of the northern hemisphere. From the sacred sugi and cedar forests of Japan, the ancient Raheen Wood of Ireland, the walnut and redwood trees of America, to the great boreal forest of Canada, Beresford-Kroeger tells us the amazing... posted on Sep 26 2019, 7,497 reads


Wild Mind: Reclaiming Our Original Wholeness
Our human psyches possess, as capacities, a variety of astonishing resources about which mainstream Western psychology has little to say. By uncovering and reclaiming these innate resources, shared by all of us by simple virtue of our human nature, we can more easily understand and resolve our intrapsychic and interpersonal difficulties as they arise. These resources, the four facets of the Self, ... posted on Sep 25 2019, 8,508 reads


My Summer of the Catbird
Nature has a language that we have forgotten but carry in our unconscious minds. Beyond our even knowing, we are called along with the birds to listen to our inner seasons and longings. As author David G. Haskell has said, "In the voices of birds, we hear augury, portent, prophesy. We are drawn across boundaries into other places, other times." In this beautiful story about a Gray Catbird, we fin... posted on Sep 24 2019, 6,330 reads


Diane Ackerman: 100 Names for Love
Diane Ackerman, best selling author of A Natural History of the Senses, An Alchemy of Mind, and The Zookeeper's Wife, has built a reputation on her poetic sensibility and uncanny knack for scouting out connections between the heavens, Earth, and everything in between. In her latest memoir, One Hundred Names for Love: a Stroke, a Marriage, and the Language of Healing, Ackerman navigates between the... posted on Sep 23 2019, 2,995 reads


Giving Directions
Like most of us, you've probably been asked for directions at least once in your life. While men are notorious for failing to admit when they're lost and women less so, little research has been done on how directions are imparted and the characterization of the individual giving them. "Giving directions is a form of storytelling," says Akiko Busch. "When people advise you to take the longest, most... posted on Sep 22 2019, 3,879 reads


The Animal Rescuer of Assam
Manoj Gogoi is a 44-year old father of two and self-taught naturalist dedicating his life to assisting the people and animals of India live in harmony. Through his tireless efforts thousands of animals have been rescued and returned to the wild. More than that, he has inspired others to volunteer with him and begun to alter the attitude and actions of people to consider the place of wildlife in th... posted on Sep 21 2019, 5,091 reads


Voice for the Planet
From disappearing species to plastic pollution and our disastrously weak attempts to recycle it, here's what the top voices on climate change - from Sir David Attenborough to Jane Goodall to Greta Thunberg - have to say about the planet's escalating biodiversity crisis. ... posted on Sep 20 2019, 6,998 reads


Gathering as a Form of Leadership
Priya Parker is an author, strategist, and the founder of Thrive Labs, a company devoted to helping organizations create intentional and transformative gatherings. She is also the author of, 'The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters.' In this interview she speaks to how we can forge stronger connections and more meaningful experiences through gatherings -- whether it's a birthday party... posted on Sep 19 2019, 7,329 reads


The Hospital in a Hut
Dr. Ashish Satav and his wife Dr. Kavita share their story of transforming lives in a remote tribal area of India. This inspiring journey of creating health started over 21 years ago in a hut. They have learned to create health from the bottom up -- transforming their own lives in the process.... posted on Sep 18 2019, 4,240 reads


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In order to learn the art of dying , one must know completely -- the art of living.
S. N. Goenka

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