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The Mindfulness Skill That is Crucial for Stress
Mindfulness is known to have many advantages, including reducing stress, increasing awareness, improving physical health, and more. However, when it comes to lowering stress levels, without also practicing acceptance, we might not see the results we hope for. "Mindfulness practices that specifically emphasize acceptance teach us a nonjudgmental attitude toward our experiences -- meaning, learning ... posted on Nov 06 2019, 8,101 reads


What Focusing on the Breath Does to Your Brain
What if you could regulate your stress levels by controlling your breath? A new study from the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research suggests that while fast breathing rates may promote feelings like anxiety, stress, and fear, slowing down our breath may reduce these very same emotions. This article from Greater Good Magazine examines how breathing impacts various regions of the brain responsib... posted on Nov 05 2019, 26,981 reads


What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Bullying in School?
Did you know that all 50 U.S. states require schools to have a policy against bullying? Despite this preventive measure, there has been a slight uptick in bullying over the past 3 years. "Bullying occurs everywhere, even in the highest-performing schools, and it is hurtful to everyone involved, from the targets of bullying to the witnesses--and even to bullies themselves." In this Greater Good art... posted on Nov 04 2019, 6,644 reads


How Oral Surgery Taught Me a Lesson in Wholeness
Andy Smallman created an "Anonymous Kindness" class some years back, suggesting each participant offer an anonymous kindness act toward someone each week. Recently he met with an anonymous act of kindness toward him: an organ donor's bone to fill a hole in his mouth after oral surgery. Whose bone was it? he asked himself, and came up with a new answer "ours."... posted on Nov 03 2019, 5,030 reads


The Underland is a Deeply Human Realm
Robert Macfarlane writes vividly about outdoor spaces, borders, and the way in which one type of territory transforms subtly into another. His new book, Underland, descends into a quite literally overlooked landscape: the one beneath our feet. He wrestles with grand questions about humanity and its effects on the natural world even as he chronicles journeys to isolated caves, the man-made caverns ... posted on Nov 02 2019, 2,885 reads


Visible Work, Invisible Women
"'Visible Work, Invisible Women', is a fully curated, online still-photo exhibition. This video tour takes viewers around the entire physical exhibition, with original photographs and texts reproduced below as an article. All the photographs were shot by P. Sainath across ten Indian states between 1993 and 2002. These roughly span the first decade of the economic reform and end two years before th... posted on Nov 01 2019, 2,521 reads


13 Life Lessons From 13 Years of Brain Pickings
"On October 23, 2006,Brain Pickings was born as a plain-text email to seven friends. It was then, and continues to be, a labor of love and ledger of curiosity, although the mind and heart from which it sprang have changed --have grown, I hope -- tremendously. At the end of the first decade, I told its improbable origin storyand drew from its evolution the ten most important things this all-consumi... posted on Oct 31 2019, 17,502 reads


Bye Bye Plastic Bags
"Five years ago, two young women decided they were going to do something about the plastic problem on their island of Bali. And Bye Bye Plastic Bags was born. How young? So young one of them couldn't make it to our midweek interview. "She's at school," explained 18-year-old Melati Wijsen, talking about her 16- year- old sister Isabel."She's just halfway through grade 11 and she's putting her focus... posted on Oct 30 2019, 10,221 reads


Beyond the Dark Night of the Soul
Note from the Editor: The story that was featured on October 29th, 2019 was run by mistake. As a rule DailyGood does not promote specific health supplements or treatments. This particular article was centered around an individual's positive experience with NAD, a specific form of therapy for addiction. There are significantly conflicting opinions on efficacy and other aspects of the therapy that c... posted on Oct 29 2019, 3,191 reads


Hidden Wonders of a Forest
When many of us think of India, we think of a land teeming with human life. However, the vast continent also is home to a multitude of plant and animal lives all working in harmony to sustain the complex ecosystem. Dive into this visually beautiful essay to discover some of the small, yet crucial, inhabitants of the Western Ghats forests.... posted on Oct 28 2019, 3,375 reads


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Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
George Eliot

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