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The Butterfly Effect: Detained Children Spark a Youth-Movement
11-year old Kaia and 10-year old Lily were heartbroken when they first heard about the 15,000 kids at the US-Mexico border locked up and separated from their parents. With the help of friends and family, they aspired to gather 15,000 butterflies to help raise awareness. To date, this kid-led effort has gathered over 30,000 love-filled butterflies, and The Butterfly Effect is quickly gaining trac... posted on Nov 16 2019, 5,010 reads


The Sight of Sound
After a powerful encounter with a sperm whale, James Nestor embarks on a quest to understand echolocation. He suggests that if we step away from the technologies we've come to rely on, we may discover senses long forgotten.... posted on Nov 15 2019, 3,392 reads


A Tribute to Mary Oliver
H. Emerson Blake observed of Mary Oliver; "She was, in many ways, the quintessential Orion writer--fully devoted to taking notice of nature, and unflinching in her investigation of the emotional relationship between people and nature." Orion Magazine published this short tribute to Oliver in honor of her birthday this past September. It includes one of her poems titled 'Blueberries.'... posted on Nov 14 2019, 11,877 reads


Our Emerging Universe
What is the significance and fundamental importance for humanity of "emergence?" It may at first seem abstract but something that emerges has unique properties that were not present in the parts creating it. Therefore it is fundamentally a life-giving source of energy. In this talk Daniel Schmachtenberger outlines emergence as essential to understand the nature of the universe we live in and what ... posted on Nov 13 2019, 5,093 reads


How to Make #My Khartoum Cool
"Andariya was established by Omnia Shawkat and Salma Amin, Sudanese women in their late twenties who saw the gap in bi-lingual digital cultural content on Sudan and South Sudan. Both Omnia and Salma were members of the Sudanese diaspora when they began planning for Andariya, as an active and engaging platform for Sudanese and South Sudanese inside and outside the Sudans." ... posted on Nov 12 2019, 1,273 reads


How Emotions Change the Shape of Our Hearts
"A record of our emotional life is written on our hearts," says cardiologist and author Sandeep Jauhar. In a stunning talk, he explores the mysterious ways our emotions impact the health of our hearts -- causing them to change shape in response to grief or fear, to literally break in response to emotional heartbreak -- and calls for a shift in how we care for our most vital organ.... posted on Nov 11 2019, 19,253 reads


A Physicist's Message for Humanity
In this thoughtful video, physicist Peter Russell pays tribute to kindness, suggesting that the world would be a drastically different place if we all showed one another more consideration. For Russell, the idea is simple: by approaching interactions with the intention of enabling others to feel better as a result, we can pave the way toward a society that is built on a foundation of love and resp... posted on Nov 10 2019, 2,746 reads


Agnes Binagwaho: A Doctor with Sassitude
"Years before she became the health minister of Rwanda, Agnes Binagwaho tried to lock a fellow pediatrician in a hospital room. She saw a doctor in an examining room with a mother who held her sick daughter in her arms. And he was asleep. Binagwaho was appalled. She examined the girl herself in a separate room and then asked a nurse to shut the door on the doctor, who wouldn't be able to get out w... posted on Nov 09 2019, 2,335 reads


What Would Nelson Mandela Do?
"As one of the worlds most famous moral leaders, Nelson Mandelas larger-than-life struggle against apartheid inspired many of us, but it was something he said inside a Johannesburg office in 2005 that has always stayed with me.
At the time, the organization that I had co-founded, Keystone Accountability, was less than two years old. The Nelson Mandela Foundation was a founding partner, and ... posted on Nov 08 2019, 4,630 reads


Bending the Arc: A Friendship that Changed the World
A fledgling group of unstoppable health advocates took on a seemingly impossible mission: global health equity. Harvard medical student Paul Farmer, idealistic physician Jim Yong Kim, and activist Ophelia Dahl successfully raised funding and opened a clinic in 1980s Haiti. Through cultural sensitivity, listening skills, local partnerships, and home visits, the revolutionary Partners In Health was ... posted on Nov 07 2019, 1,878 reads


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Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi

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