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Night Shift at the Marriott
Picture this: It's almost 11pm on a hot August day. You're exhausted, having just driven over 600 miles, and you arrive at the newly opened Marriott, your last hope for a place to lay your tired body down for the night. You are third in line at the front desk, where there is a single young woman on duty, doing everything she can to keep things under control. When you finally arrive at room 309, yo... posted on Dec 27 2019, 4,163 reads


Kintsugi: The Golden Joinery of Love
Sue Cochrane is a former family court judge who sought to bring more love into the practice of law. The forces she battled were not confined to the court room -- among them, poverty, violence, addiction, abuse, a terminal diagnosis and more. In this powerful piece, she explores kintsugi -- a stunning Japanese art form in which broken pottery is repaired by filling the cracks with gold. Kingtsugi, ... posted on Dec 26 2019, 0 reads


Be Love Now
"Imagine feeling more love from someone than you have ever known. You're being loved even more than your mother loved you when you were an infant, more than you were ever loved by your father, your child, or your most intimate lover--anyone...This love is actually part of you; it is always flowing through you. It's like the subatomic texture of the universe, the dark matter that connects everythin... posted on Dec 24 2019, 23,930 reads


The Deep Heart
"John Prendergast is a retired psychology professor, spiritual teacher, and the author of books such as 'In Touch' and 'Listening from the Heart of Silence.' His new book is titled 'The Deep Heart: Our Portal to Presence.' In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with John about subtle and sublime experiences of the heart. John comments on the childhood wounding that often leads ... posted on Dec 23 2019, 8,981 reads


Cultivating Hospitality
"Each of these three types of hospitality has strengthened my ability to accommodate the strange -- that thing or quality that is different from what I experience. At the very least, I hope these offered thoughts can help you glimpse a future of open doors, loving hosts, and loving guests." In this post Christopher Chavez shares his thoughts on hospitality of place, mind and heart.... posted on Dec 22 2019, 4,816 reads


Annie Dillard on the Winter Solstice
"Rilke considered the cold season the time for tending ones inner garden. 'In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer,' Albert Camus wrote a generation later. 'If we didn't remember winter in spring, it wouldn't be as lovely,' Adam Gopnik observed after many more revolutions of the Earth around the Sun in his lyrical love letter to winter. But if we ar... posted on Dec 21 2019, 12,280 reads


What Does the Earth Ask of Us?
Robin Wall Kimmerer, scientist, professor of environmental botany, author of Braiding Sweetgrass, and spellbinding storyteller, helps us to hear what the earth is asking of us. With a calm and soothing voice that belies the urgency of her message, she brings us to an awareness that we are called to be living expressions of gratitude for all that the earth has given us, and to give our gifts in ret... posted on Dec 20 2019, 2,318 reads


On Language and Landscape
"Light does not use syntax. Robins do not speak in syllables as we would recognize them. And so, language is always late for its subject in nature. I'm fascinated by language's affordance when it comes to thinking about and shaping our relations with place and what we might uneasily call nature; I'm also interested in the binds that it places us within." Robert Macfarlane shares more.... posted on Dec 19 2019, 2,865 reads


Esther Perel: The Constant Dance Between Me and You
"We all come into this world with a need for connection and protection and with a need for freedom. And from the first moment on, we will be straddling these two needs -- what is me, and what is us? The common parlance today is, I need to first work on myself; I need to first feel good about me; solve me before I can be with somebody else, and I find that also a strange thought. You know who you a... posted on Dec 18 2019, 10,946 reads


Silas Hagarty: Just Start Walking
Silas gives an analogy about how he approaches making his films. If I needed to get somewhere, I could ask, Richard could take me two hours west of here? You might end up saying, "Let's do it!" But the approach I've always loved is just to start walking. You just start going in that direction. What I found is that oftentimes people would stop and ask, "Where are you walking to?" And they'd give me... posted on Dec 17 2019, 2,661 reads


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The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.
Leo Tolstoy

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