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Brandur Patursson is an artist from the Faroe Islands who works with light in the creation of his glass and metal sculptures. After losing 70% of the sight in one eye he started understanding what it is to really see. He realized that we see with our eyes, but how we perceive things is what truly gives them meaning in our lives. If we can literally see and reflect on someone's else's feelings inst... posted on Jan 06 2020, 2,949 reads


In Search of the Man Who Broke My Neck
When Joshua Prager was 19, a devastating bus accident left him a hemiplegic. He returned to Israel twenty years later to find the driver who turned his world upside down. In this mesmerizing tale of their meeting, Prager probes deep questions of nature, nurture, self-deception and identity.... posted on Jan 05 2020, 12,301 reads


The Sound of One Hand Clapping

"One morning in a local coffee shop, I was surprised to see a man at work on a little painting at a table nearby. It wasnt a place where artists gathered. I walked over, took a peek, and was surprised again. It was really good. I complimented the stranger on his work. He seemed to welcome the interruption, and I asked him a few questions. He was just passing through town and living from h... posted on Jan 04 2020, 4,346 reads


Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings
From United States poet laureate Joy Harjo comes this radiant poem titled, "For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet." Harjo is a member of the Mvskoke/Creek Nation and belongs to Oce Vpofv. She is the first Native American to serve as poet laureate.... posted on Jan 03 2020, 35,662 reads


Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results
"James Clear is the founder of the Habits Academy and author of the New York Times bestselling book Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with James about the mechanics of habit changespecifically through careful, incremental daily improvements. James shares the dramatic story of the sports injury that ... posted on Jan 02 2020, 9,908 reads


Late Migrations: A Jeweled Patchwork of Nature and Culture
"The 112 essays in Renkl's first book, Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss, range from seven lines to just over four pages in length. Together they create a jeweled patchwork of nature and culture that includes her own family. This woven tapestry makes one of all the world's beings that strive to live and which, in one way or another, face mortality." This piece from NPR shares mo... posted on Jan 01 2020, 3,137 reads


Wild Borders
When human cultures rub up against each other, we talk of melting pots and borderlands. When geographic cultures meet up and create a free-flowing arrangement of habitats and life forms, the term used is Biogeographic transition zone. Russ Mcspadden shares the surprises such a vortex presents in this piece from Orion.... posted on Dec 31 2019, 2,655 reads


Leading Above the Line
"In this Farnam Street interview, Jim Dethmer, founder of The Conscious Leadership Group shares practical advice about becoming more self-aware, ditching the victim mindset, and connecting more fully with the people in our lives. This episode is a masterclass in understanding and regulating your thoughts and emotions. Dethmer covers how to operate from a place of love rather than fear and anger, t... posted on Dec 30 2019, 4,571 reads


METAdrasi: Escorting Children to Freedom and Hope
"3,788 unaccompanied refugee children are currently located in Greece, having been violently separated from their families. For these children there are only 1,635 places in proper accommodation facilities, while the rest remain in Reception and Identification Centers, police stations, camps, even in the street. The National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA) places unaccompanied children in acco... posted on Dec 29 2019, 4,260 reads


Love and Philosophy Between Prison Walls and Ivory Towers
In 1987, while teaching a class at MIT [the Massachusetts Institute of Technology] on nonviolence, philosophy lecturer Lee Perlman had a novel idea: "Why not take the students to a prison, to talk with men who had committed extreme forms of violence?" Now, 30 years later, through the MIT Prison Initiative that he founded, Perlman teaches classes to a mixed cohort of both MIT students and prisoners... posted on Dec 28 2019, 7,035 reads


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Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.
Theodore Roethke

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