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Seeking Wholeness in a Time of Brokenness
Reverend Victor Kazanjian is the executive director of the United Religions Initiative (URI), a global grassroots interfaith peacebuilding network. URI has more than a thousand multi-faith groups working in over a hundred countries with a million volunteers to build bridges of cooperation between people of all faiths and cultures. Victor is ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church and was tra... posted on Jan 16 2020, 4,030 reads


Finding Chika
Renowned author Mitch Albom introduces us to a story of love, a story about the making of a family through love. He shows us that the rules of what a family should look like don't matter as long as there is love bringing them together. He introduces us to Chika, who became the much beloved daughter of he and his wife Janine after Chika's mother was killed in the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Chika'... posted on Jan 15 2020, 2,067 reads


Micah Mortali: Rewilding
"Micah Mortali is the director of the Kripalu School, and a longtime wilderness guide. With Sounds True, he has published Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Micah about humanity's growing disconnection from the earth and how "rewilding" can help slow that trend. They talk about rewilding both as ind... posted on Jan 14 2020, 8,360 reads


Kahlil Gibran on Befriending Time
"There is something odd about this notion of time as property. We are asked to give things time; we speak of taking time time off of something, time toward something. But how do we give or take this fine-grained sand that slips through the fingers the moment we try to cup it? Perhaps time is not so much the substance in the hand as the substance of the hand." Maria Popova explores Kahlil Gibran's... posted on Jan 13 2020, 10,293 reads


Why I Run
"It is just after 4:00 am. I was dreaming about Missoula, running around Mount Sentinel just before dawn. I threw on a blue hoodie and began reciting in my sleep why I run." Inspired by Terry Tempest William's evocative reflections in "Why I Write," long-distance runner and writer Nicholas Triolo offers this lovely stream of consciousness exploration of why he runs.... posted on Jan 12 2020, 11,721 reads


Orion's 25 Most-Read Articles of the Decade
"From 2010 to the present, Orion Magazine has produced over fifty issues full of personal essays and science reporting, poetry and book reviews, photography and art, all responding to the most pressing issues facing the planet. Here are the 25 most-read Orion articles published within the last decade."... posted on Jan 11 2020, 11,677 reads


The Reason I Jump: A Book by a 13-Year-Old Boy with Autism
"The thirteen-year-old author of this book invites you, his reader, to imagine a daily life in which your faculty of speech is taken away. Explaining that you're hungry, or tired, or in pain, is now as beyond your powers as a chat with a friend. I'd like to push the thought-experiment a little further. Now imagine that after you lose your ability to communicate, the editor-in-residence who orders ... posted on Jan 10 2020, 4,490 reads


Erich Fromm's Six Rules of Listening
"Listening, Erich Fromm argues, is 'is an art like the understanding of poetry' and, like any art, has its own rules and norms. Drawing on his half-century practice as a therapist, Fromm offers six such guidelines for mastering the art of unselfish understanding.... posted on Jan 09 2020, 30,404 reads


One Love
At five minutes to midnight on June 14, 2018, about 800 people waited to enter Jerusalem's Tower of David Museum. Jews, Muslims and Christians, young and old, most of them strangers to one another, they were forgoing a night's sleep for the chance to sing Bob Marley's "One Love" in three languages and three-part harmony as a show of unity from Israel.... posted on Jan 08 2020, 10,551 reads


Why Singing in a Choir Makes You Happier
"In Stacy Horn's wonderful book, 'Imperfect Harmony: Finding Happiness While Singing with Others,' we get a first-hand account of how music uplifts and empowers, with various scientific evidence cited. Horn has been singing with The Choral Society of Grace Church (in New York City's Greenwich Village) since 1982; she evocatively describes her own experience while explaining how science is finally ... posted on Jan 07 2020, 14,855 reads


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Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
Dalai Lama

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