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A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit
Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction-- from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though we know they're bad for us. In this TedMed Talk, learn more about the mechanism of habit development and discover how being curious might help you beat your next urge to smoke, snack or check a text while driving.... posted on Feb 16 2020, 5,257 reads


She Transformed Her Trauma into a Path of Service
Arranged marriages can often throw up surprises. Out of the shadows of Uma Preman's traumatic youth and unhappy marriage she crafted a life that has touched thousands of others -- her difficulties forged within her both the skills and motivation to help disadvantaged Indians gain access to medical treatment.
This inspiring BBC story shares more.... posted on Feb 15 2020, 4,421 reads


Love Letters from La Pineta
"Love Letters from la Pineta" by DailyGood volunteer Jane Jackson is more than a book -- it is a living gesture of love that wings its way between the visible and invisible world. A book that embodies hospitality in its deepest sense. For to truly welcome love and all its bright gifts we are required to keep our hearts open when grief's shadow descends. And that is exactly what Jane does in this b... posted on Feb 14 2020, 4,839 reads


The Wonder of the Universe is Wondering in Us
Paul Fleischman is the author of numerous books, and has been honored by the American Psychiatric Association for his unique contributions to psychiatry and religion. He points to our sense of wonder as the apparatus by which we experience the intelligence of the universe within. "The wonder of the universe is wondering in us, he writes. And, To live with wonder one must persevere in unknowing, re... posted on Feb 13 2020, 40,105 reads


Cats, Cancer, and the Kindness of a Stranger
"I had all three of my sons, plus three of their friends. This was the first time in over five years that my oldest son, Lee, 18 years old, came along. His special needs had evolved to where he no longer enjoyed leaving home very much or being outside in nature. Most recently, he did not want to leave our 3 beloved cats--especially his handsome tuxedo cat Norman Ruffles." A summer trip with teenag... posted on Feb 12 2020, 7,844 reads


Three Ideas. Three Contradictions. Or Not.
Hannah Gadsby skewers the straight world's dismissal and outright hostility toward the LGBTQ community in her stand-up sets, stage performances and television shows. Her groundbreaking special "Nanette" broke comedy. In this 2019 TED Talk about truth and purpose, she shares three ideas and three contradictions. Or not.... posted on Feb 11 2020, 6,430 reads


Insight-Out: Guiding Rage into Power
This powerful video takes us inside San Quentin Prison to witness 32 men in one circle who reclaim who they really are over the course of 52 weeks in the GRIP Program (Guiding Rage Into Power). GRIP transforms these men who have committed violent crimes into non-violent Peacemakers as they learn to change their own behavior and to further become agents of change so that they can diffuse conflict a... posted on Feb 10 2020, 2,276 reads


Healing Conflict: Listen, Validate, and Then Explore Options
"Christian Conte, PhD, is a mental health specialist and leading authority on anger management. With Sounds True, Christian has published Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon talks with Christian about his Yield Theory of emotional management, focusing on the process of listen, validate, ex... posted on Feb 09 2020, 6,437 reads


Growing Your Own Garden: Emotional Resilience for Entrepreneurs
"It has been many weeks, and I finally got the itch to write again, this time about a symbol that in just a few days has given me a profound sense of relief: growing your own garden. I'm not speaking about an herb garden. I mean cultivating, in your own fertile mind, a set of values and standards by which you will measure your life's worth separately from what anyone else says or thinks." The foll... posted on Feb 08 2020, 8,429 reads


Beyond Civilization
"I want to live in a world with more wild salmon every year than the year before. More migratory songbirds. More blue whales, slender salamanders, red-legged frogs. More prairies, canebrakes, native forests, beds of sea grass. I want to live in a world with less dioxin in every human and nonhuman mother's breast milk, a world with fewer dams each year than the year before. I'll never live in that ... posted on Feb 07 2020, 4,595 reads


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A different language is a different vision of life.
Federico Fellini

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