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Caring For Self and Others in Troubled Times
"Warm greetings of peace, hope, and healing to you and yours. As we navigate these perilous waters of our common life -- with all the grace and gratefulness we can muster -- you might find support in exploring these thoughts on 'Caring for Self and Others in Times of Trouble: Some Spiritual Tools and Tips'. Please share these wherever you wish, taking what you need and leaving the rest."... posted on Mar 27 2020, 13,796 reads


How Does A Heart of Service Respond to These Times?
"Coronavirus has uprooted the fabric of our lives. How does a heart of service respond to an unknown cause and how do we build resilience when we can't be physically together? Uncertain times raise significant questions that can architect a new story for our future. Carbon emissions have dropped dramatically, but xenophobia is rising. Nursing homes are being evacuated, only to bring elders home to... posted on Mar 26 2020, 3,200 reads


Humanity's Wake Up Call
"The rapid spread of novel coronavirus has prompted government, business, and civil society to take dramatic action--canceling events large and small, restricting travel, and shutting down major segments of the economy on which nearly all of us depend. It is a demonstration of our ability, when the imperative is clear, for deep and rapid global cooperation and change at a previously unimaginable s... posted on Mar 25 2020, 8,590 reads


Canada's Caremongering Trend
"Just a few days ago the word "caremongering" did not exist. Now, what started as a way to help vulnerable people in Toronto has turned into a movement spreading fast across Canada. More than 35 Facebook groups have been set up in 72 hours to serve communities in places including Ottawa, Halifax and Annapolis County in Nova Scotia, with more than 30,000 members between them. People are joining the... posted on Mar 24 2020, 7,099 reads


Teaching & Learning from the Heart in Troubled Times
"The current moment calls for moral ferocity. We should not sleep well at night when we know others are suffering. We need to raise our voices with clarity and channel our anger into protest and resistance. Ferocity itself, though, holds danger. Let's not forget that some of the worst perpetrators of evil have often claimed to act in the name of the good, or God, or the national interest, or a fut... posted on Mar 23 2020, 7,075 reads


Love in the Time of Coronavirus
"Pandemics are powerful phenomena. One moment, life proceeds per usual routines, and the next, we find ourselves scrambling over toilet paper. The coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected our lives in every way, and preventing transmission, while far from assured, appears to be straightforward. An equally daunting challenge, however, is about how we are going to interact with one another as this crisi... posted on Mar 22 2020, 8,999 reads


Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus
Greater Good's mission is to share scientific research that can help promote a happier, more compassionate society. With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, they have committed to bringing forward stories, tips, and tools for these uncertain times. The following page will continue to be updated with resources for individuals, families, and educators. ... posted on Mar 21 2020, 20,310 reads


Singer songwriter Luke Dick and a talented group of young people connect in this short video to share a message of hope. With youthful enthusiasm the young conductor leads her small group through the song, enabling us to "hear that cosmic spark" of connection. As the drums, guitar, violin, keyboard and voices all combine in joyful music, we are reminded that we are all connected with all that is, ... posted on Mar 20 2020, 3,080 reads


From What Is to What If
"In 'How Did We Do That? The Possibility of Rapid Transition', Andrew Simms and Peter Newell tell the story of Iceland's 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption, which sent fine dust into the sky that spread for thousands of miles and grounded most of the world's planes. Then what happened? People adapted. Quickly. Supermarkets replaced air-freighted goods with local alternatives. People discovered other, ... posted on Mar 19 2020, 10,712 reads


Being Resilient During Coronavirus
"During times like this, its natural to feel afraid, anxious, or threatened. The brain has evolved to react quickly to threats, and its easy for there to be a sense of helplessness associated with problems that appear far beyond our control. But being consumed by fear causes wear and tear on the body, which actually undermines your safety. Thats why its so important to look for ways to be effectiv... posted on Mar 18 2020, 17,896 reads


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Quote Bulletin

When you eat at the refrigerator, pull up a chair.
Geneen Roth's book title

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