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Alone But Not Lonely
"We live in a rural farm in India, don't have a TV at home, and have bought our son a total of two toys. Most of his clothes are gifted by family and friends. He doesn't eat cookies, chocolates, carbonated drinks, or fast food. He must be one miserable kid, right? If I say, 'No,' one might respond with, 'Well, he doesn't know what he is missing and he is being brought up in an extremely protective... posted on Apr 26 2020, 47,977 reads


Every Act a Ceremony
"In a ceremony, one attends fully to the task at hand, performing each action just as it should be. A ceremony is therefore a practice for all of life, a practice in doing everything just as it should be done. An earnest ceremonial practice is like a magnet that aligns more and more of life to its field; it is a prayer that asks, "May everything I do be a ceremony. May I do everything with full at... posted on Apr 25 2020, 8,615 reads


My Freedom Is In Your Hands
"What if this virus had a hidden agenda other than spreading fear about how it might compromise our health? What if hidden in its drive to be contagious, there was another message, urging to be heard? Whether we come running or are being dragged, this virus teaches us to consider each other in a whole new way. Much like prisoners, we are being asked to give up our personal freedom to protect socie... posted on Apr 24 2020, 7,713 reads


This is Me at 68: Elders Reflect During Crisis
In this beautifully illustrated compilation, citizens 60 and older share their experiences and reflections related to the COVID-19 global pandemicfrom becoming a grandmother to dancing in the street.... posted on Apr 23 2020, 17,901 reads


Earth Day at 50
For the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, Orion Magazine asked ten authors-- including E.O. Wilson, Krista Tippett, Pico Iyer, and Amy Tan-- one question: "What earthly thing gives you hope at this point in history? ... posted on Apr 22 2020, 6,104 reads


Rachel Remen: The Grace of Being Seen
"I wanted to share with you a letter that meant a great deal to me that was posted to my website in response to my blog. Carol addresses it to physicians but it is true of us all; everyone who goes to work every day in this broken healthcare system in the hopes of helping others, despite everything. It has never been harder to be a health professional and I have never been prouder to be counted am... posted on Apr 21 2020, 8,317 reads


The Art of Being Creatures
In this intimate conversation between Krista and one of her beloved teachers, we ponder the world and our place in it, through sacred text, with fresh eyes. Were accompanied by the meditative and prophetic poetry of Wendell Berry, read for us from his home in Kentucky: Stay away from anything / that obscures the place it is in. / There are no unsacred places; / there are only sacred places / and d... posted on Apr 20 2020, 6,745 reads


Three Methods for Working with Chaos
"Times of chaos and challenge can be the most spiritually powerful... if we are brave enough to rest in their space of uncertainty. Pema Chodron describes three ways to use our problems as the path to awakening and joy: go to the places that scare you, use poison as medicine, and regard what arises as awakened energy."... posted on Apr 19 2020, 11,921 reads


How to Lead a More Courageous Life
When confronted with fear, the brain will seek relief in the form of old coping habits if left to its own devices. However, there are things we can do to help it change course. If we set the stage for courage, our awareness of what happens to us becomes our greatest ally. "The more you interrupt the old fear-based habits and replace fear-based responses with responses to boost courage, the more yo... posted on Apr 18 2020, 31,677 reads


Powered by Love --- an Emerging Worldview
"There is a worldview that has come to dominate every aspect of global reality affecting human civilization, the natural world and planetary climate conditions. It can be summarized as the quantitative worldview. The quantitative worldview is in a crisis so deep it is leading, in an interconnected and interdependent world, to deep systemic disruptions, chaotic conditions and signs of complete fail... posted on Apr 17 2020, 11,214 reads


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