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Former Surgeon General's Book on Human Connection
"When Dr. Vivek Murthy was surgeon general of the United States during the Obama administration, he went on a listening tour of America: He wanted to hear firsthand about people's health concerns. That meant addressing opioid addiction, diabetes and heart disease. And one more thing -- something he wasn't really prepared for -- the number of Americans suffering from a lack of human connection. Lon... posted on Jun 15 2020, 4,652 reads


Mother Culture
"How does a whale find meaning in life? The question that will take us far from our comfort zone. At eight a.m. we are already traveling over deep ocean. Our thirty-foot boat, an open one, is crowded with gear, four assistants who traffic in curiosity and adventure, our huge dreadlocked Caribbean captain Dave Fabien, plus Shane Gero. Plus me. We seek a classic sea monster: the sperm whale, Jonah-s... posted on Jun 14 2020, 3,642 reads


Resources for Unlearning and Transforming Racism
As commits to engaging with and supporting anti-racist work, they have shared the following set of resources as an invitation to join them in learning, taking action, and working toward individual and collective change. They offer this compilation as a starting point with the recognition that the work extends far beyond what's included here and happens over the course of a lifetim... posted on Jun 13 2020, 9,606 reads


Spell to Be Said Against Hatred
"It is especially in times of uncertainty, in tremulous times of fear and loss, that the curtain rises and the minstrel show resumes -- a show of hate that can be as vicious and pointed as the murderous violence human beings are capable of directing at one another, or as ambient and slow-seething as the deadly disregard for the universe of non-human lives with which we share this fragile, irreplac... posted on Jun 12 2020, 6,567 reads


Educate the Heart
Poet and author Shane Koyczan narrates this poignant short video on the importance of educating children's hearts as well as their minds. While children need knowledge to prepare them for life, those who love and care for them must also educate their hearts. Teaching compassion, acceptance, tolerance and respect are needed along with knowledge to adequately prepare children for the world.... posted on Jun 11 2020, 3,468 reads


How to Fight Racism Through Inner Work
Mindfulness meditation may hold the key to grappling with interpersonal racism, says Rhonda Magee, because it helps people tolerate the discomfort that comes with deeper discussions about race. And it can help cultivate a sense of belonging and community for those who experience and fight racism in our everyday lives. For more than 20 years, Magee has worked to address issues of race, racism, and ... posted on Jun 10 2020, 10,338 reads


Turning to Face the Dark
"In May of 2019, Rabbi Dr. Ariel Burger sat down with educator and writer Parker J. Palmer for an unscripted conversation. What emerged was a wide-ranging contemplative dialogue on suffering, healing, and joy. Parker is the author of 'Five Habits to Heal the Heart of Democracy', and many other life-changing books. Ariel is the author of 'Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel's Classroom'"
... posted on Jun 09 2020, 7,893 reads


Beyond Protests: 5 More Ways to Channel Anger into Action
"A lot of people of color are tired. We're tired of being the unseen and misunderstood," says Inger E Burnett-Zeigler, a psychologist and associate professor at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. She'd like to see more voices at the table. "I think it's important for everyone, regardless of race, to ask, 'What is my role in this system?' " she says. Ask yourself, 'Have I b... posted on Jun 08 2020, 4,379 reads


bell hooks: Love as The Practice of Freedom
Social commentator, essayist, memoirist, and poet bell hooks is a feminist theorist who speaks on contemporary issues of race, gender, and media representation in America.In Black Looks (1994), she writes, "It struck me that for black people, the pain of learning that we cannot control our images, how we see ourselves (if our vision is not decolonized), or how we are seen is so intense that it ren... posted on Jun 07 2020, 4,229 reads


Notice the Rage. Notice the Silence.
The best laws and diversity training have not gotten us anywhere near where we want to go. Therapist and trauma specialist Resmaa Menakem is working with old wisdom and very new science about our bodies and nervous systems, and all we condense into the word "race." Krista Tippett sat down with him in Minneapolis, where they both live and work, before the pandemic lockdown began. Says Menakem, "You... posted on Jun 06 2020, 19,166 reads


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It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.
W. C. Fields

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