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Kindness Is Everywhere
"Let me tell you about Don. He's a retired DC firefighter, about to turn 89, living alone in his Maryland apartment. Father of six, grandfather to a tribe, he's an Irishman, and darn proud of it. Around the start of the pandemic, he dropped me a line out of the blue, a reader offering his take on my novel 'Beneath the Same Stars'. Since then, we've struck up a fairly regular email correspondence. ... posted on Aug 04 2020, 8,611 reads


What Qi Gong Taught One Doctor About Healing
"I first met Master Mingtong Gu 8 years ago. A friend had invited me to his studio in Petaluma, CA, for a qigong workshop. Qi (chee) means life-force energy, gong means cultivation. Slow, easy movements. Low risk enough. And evidence-based. I was a doctor of internal medicine, trained to think critically and methodically, cautious of anything that might fall into the realm of "miracles." But I was... posted on Aug 03 2020, 14,178 reads


The Earth Treasure Vase Healing Project
"In 1990, I had the opportunity to meet a 106-year-old Buddhist Lama living in a cave in a remote part of Nepal. As I was walking up the highest mountains in the world, I realized that I had a chance to actually ask a question of the old wise man in the cave. As I was walking, I contemplated what I should ask him that would be of benefit, not just for me, but for all of us because most people do... posted on Aug 02 2020, 8,744 reads


Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm
Infinite Potential is a new film that "takes us on a mystical and scientific journey into the nature of life and reality with David Bohm, the man Einstein called his spiritual son and the Dalai Lama his science guru. A physicist and explorer of Consciousness, Bohm turned to Eastern wisdom to develop groundbreaking insights into the profound interconnectedness of the Universe and our place within i... posted on Aug 01 2020, 16,116 reads


Spirit Run: The Story of a 6000 Mile Relay
In 2004, Noe Alvarez dropped out of college and ran a 6,000-mile relay with indigenous people through North and Central America. His new memoir about that time is called Spirit Run. More in this NPR interview.... posted on Jul 31 2020, 2,951 reads


Breathing Miracles Into Being: The Linda Scotson Technique
Soon after he was born, Linda Scotson's son, Doran, was diagnosed with severe athetoid cerebral palsy. Doctors said he would never be able to sit, stand, walk independently or feed himself. But Linda, an artist with no background in medicine, was determined to find a path forward. Today, 41-year-old Doran has an athletic body, runs half marathons, travels independently and is a talented artist, wh... posted on Jul 30 2020, 13,722 reads


Bill Drayton: Half the Population is Out of the Game
"A fighter for civil rights who was raised to value empathy and was fascinated by Gandhi's India, Bill Drayton believes that Ashokas entrepreneurial model, to which he has dedicated himself for years, can change the world. Drayton created Ashoka 40 years ago and it now has the largest network of social entrepreneurs on the planet. Drayton insists that technological progress creates a new inequalit... posted on Jul 29 2020, 3,707 reads


Venkat Krishnan: The Joy of Giving
Venkat Krishnan is the founder of GiveIndia-- an innovative platform that launched in 2000 to catalyze a "giving culture." It was one of the first crowd-sourcing platforms in the world dedicated exclusively to social welfare. Venkat later went on to launch DaanUtsav, an annual festival that takes place each October, and aims to unite people from diverse backgrounds across the country in a celebrat... posted on Jul 28 2020, 5,635 reads


DH Lawrence on Trees, Solitudes and What Roots Us
"A supreme challenge of human life is reconciling the longing to fulfill ourselves in union, in partnership, in love, with the urgency of fulfilling ourselves according to our own solitary and sovereign laws. Writing at the same time as Hesse, living in exile in the mountains, having barely survived an attack of the deadly Spanish Flu that claimed tens of millions of lives, the polymathic creative... posted on Jul 27 2020, 6,121 reads


The Fragrance of Prayer
"I was having some downtime in a high place. Having slowed, I could see how much a rushed life had whiplashed my body. When I'm caught in that frame of reference, everything seems whiplashed. Birds fly scattershot and even ants seem indecisive, irritable. The earth grows blurred because I grow blurred. The old rhythms, of course, persist. Things move fast, like larks or light. But none of it rushe... posted on Jul 26 2020, 4,972 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?
from a sign on a church

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