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The Dugnad in Our DNA
Traditionally, dugnad (a Norwegian word) refers to "the collective effort of individual Norwegians who sacrifice their personal desires, and allow their own sense of 'normal' to be temporarily disrupted, for the benefit of their community or country. On March 12 of this year, after the first Norwegian died from COVID-19, Prime Minister Erna Solberg called for a national dugnad. She asked everyone ... posted on Oct 03 2020, 8,251 reads


Trail of Light
This beautifully moving film features Aralyn Doiron, a delightful woman who has trained to be a Death Walker, someone who values a relationship with death and someone who values life. She suggests that it is only when we acknowledge that we are going to die one day, that we can truly start to live. The fact that many of us are separated from death is a disconnect from our humanity. She encourages ... posted on Oct 02 2020, 3,565 reads


Joanna Macy: Entering the Bardo
"In this op-ed, eco-philosopher and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy introduces us to the bardo--the Tibetan Buddhist concept of a gap between worlds where transition is possible. As the pandemic reveals ongoing collapse and holds a mirror to our collective ills, she writes, we have the opportunity to step into a space of reimagining."... posted on Oct 01 2020, 20,661 reads


Is There A Better Way to Have An Argument?
"Were living in an era of deep divisions. Cable television, social media feeds, and fraying personal relationships all reflect the same troubling pattern: Differences of opinion quickly escalate into attacks, mistrust, and civic stalemates."Here are five principles for more constructive and respectful disagreements.... posted on Sep 30 2020, 8,979 reads


Visiting Rachel: 50 Years After Silent Spring
"'Primavers Silencia.' So reads the cover of the Italian edition of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. It sits on the desk beside me--the small built-in desk looking out on a thicket of cedars and pine--a desk with one simple drawer holding some pencils and not much else, in the cozy pine-paneled study where Carson wrote much of her landmark book during the summers of 1960 and 1961. Other foreign edit... posted on Sep 29 2020, 3,811 reads


The World is Our Field of Practice
This prophetic conversation, which Rev. angel Kyodo williams had with Krista in 2018, is an invitation to imagine and nourish the transformative potential of this moment toward human wholeness. Rev. angel is an esteemed Zen priest and the second Black woman recognized as a teacher in the Japanese Zen lineage. She is one of our wisest voices on social evolution and the spiritual aspect of social h... posted on Sep 28 2020, 4,801 reads


How to Be at Home
This tender animation on the theme of isolation reunites filmmaker Andrea Dorfman with poet Tanya Davis ten years after their first collaboration on the viral film "How To Be Alone." "How To Be At Home" speaks to what so many of us are going through these days with quarantines, lock-downs and stay-at-home orders. "Lean into lonelinessand know youre not alone in it." And remember: we are connected.... posted on Sep 27 2020, 4,163 reads


Healing the Heart of Democracy
"For those of us who want to see democracy survive and thrive --and we are legion --the heart is where everything begins: that grounded place in each of us where we can overcome fear, rediscover that we are members of one another, and embrace the conflicts that threaten democracy as openings to new life for us and for our nation." Parker Palmer shares more in this piece.... posted on Sep 26 2020, 3,219 reads


Kiran Khalap: Navigating Business, Creativity and Spirituality
Where do business and spirituality meet? How does one use creativity to unite? How might we walk our unique path in solving problems outside and dissolving the ego inside? A weekday brand-consultant, a weekend rock-climber, author during nights and a lifetime seeker of Truth -- Kiran Khalaps journey is a striking example of a life of emergence which defies linear planning. Read more about his jour... posted on Sep 25 2020, 4,523 reads


Forming a More Perfect Union Through Indigenous Values
"How might we unlock hope in an expansive spirit of democracy for present and future generations in this time of upheaval? This new conversation series on "The State of American Democracy" invites us to explore this question with some of our most creative thinkers and public intellectuals. The first episode on September 17, 2020, focuses on the moral foundations of democracy we can draw for guidan... posted on Sep 24 2020, 3,720 reads


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Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.
Sally Koch

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