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A Zen Life: DT Suzuki
Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (1870~1966) was a prolific Japanese-American philosopher, writer and translator. He is considered by many to be Zen's unofficial "apostle to the West." He traveled and lectured extensively, interacting with diverse audiences and some of the most brilliant and creative minds of the age, among them Carl Jung, Martin Heidegger, Alan Watts, Thomas Merton, John Cage, and Gary Sn... posted on Sep 14 2023, 3,633 reads


The 8 Kinds of Humility to Help You Stay Grounded
"I'm wary of those who counsel deferential or pious humility to contain and admonish those who have strong opinions and perspectives. For example, the stereotype of humble Asians and Asian Americans acts to silence important messages that are quite critical to our time of change and distress. To be bold and not "humble" per se risks being called "arrogant" or "difficult to deal with." I think it's... posted on Sep 13 2023, 5,592 reads


The Middle Way in Medicine & Healing
Dr. Akil Palanisamy is the Department Chair for Integrative Medicine at the Sutter Health Institute for Health and Healing, and has treated thousands of people living with chronic diseases.
A widely known speaker and educator, he is the author of two books, The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease -- a customized Paleo diet that incorporates ... posted on Sep 12 2023, 1,665 reads


Why We Can & Should Listen to Other Species
Listening closely for what her nonhuman neighbors are communicating, Melanie Challenger considers what it would take to expand the democratic imagination to include and represent animal voices in the decisions that affect them.... posted on Sep 11 2023, 1,925 reads


5 Tips on How to Live Like a Lichen
"I. Bow down.Bring your face, your heart, your hands, your belly, down, down, close to the groundto the rock of the world, the dirt, duff, sand. Let surface meet surface, warm cheek meet cool stone. Go ahead, belly flop flat on the sidewalk. Greet what you are not. Lichens love and adhere to their surfaces, love to sink into their substrates, mineral or wood, anything that stays still. Draw close.... posted on Sep 10 2023, 1,834 reads


Zen & the Art of Poetry
"It's my nature to question, to look at the opposite side. I believe that the best writing also does this. Great literature does not take sides with the small-minded. It's not partisan or narrow. It tells us that where there is sorrow, there will be joy; where there is joy, there will be sorrow. A uni-dimensional poem would be boring. Sometimes the other side is so deeply buried, you really have t... posted on Sep 09 2023, 1,700 reads


Tracey Schmidt performs her poem Shrine, an evocative poem about love, about self, and about fitting into the world. Her whole being becomes a shrine through which divisions between herself and the rest of the world recede and "then the love fits perfectly," and her life shines brilliantly.... posted on Sep 08 2023, 1,889 reads


Thomas LeGrand: The Politics of Being
Author and sustainable development leader Dr. Thomas LeGrand invites us to co-create a new development paradigm focused on "being" and human flourishing instead of a materialistic "having." Through his work as a social scientist, spiritual search, and 20 years of professional experience in microfinance and sustainability for the UN and other public and private sector entities, Thomas has come to b... posted on Sep 07 2023, 1,202 reads


The Framed Infinite
"I believe windows are celebrated in direct proportion to the degree one is conscious of circumscription. For those who live a seemingly free range existence, oblivious of external limits, the windows presence and function is assumed. Simultaneously looked through-- and overlooked. Unregistered as the pattern of curtains in a neighbors home, or the direction of the thieving wind that rifles casual... posted on Sep 06 2023, 2,569 reads


In the Ground of Our Unknowing
While facing the paradoxes and ambiguities of the pandemic, writer David Abram stumbled upon "beauty in the midst of shuddering terror. As we're isolated in this uncertain time," he writes, "we can turn to the more-than-human world to empower our empathy for each other."... posted on Sep 05 2023, 1,634 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.
Serbian Proverb

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