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Neighbors and plants can surely help us bloom, especially in the hard times. Stuck in her apartment, a lonely woman waits for time to pass until one day she hears a knock at the door. On her doorstep, she finds a plant left by a friendly neighbor and discovers the joy that caring for others can bring. This tender animation was made by students of the Animation & Illustration department at San Jose... posted on Mar 05 2021, 3,055 reads


Rough Initiations
"To heal from our traumas, from soul loss, we must restore the conditions which offer something alluring and compelling to coax the soul back home. In other words, what reconstitutes the psyche after trauma, in addition to understanding what happened, is reestablishing our place within the wider cosmological context. We must be restored and re-storied to complete the rough initiation that was prec... posted on Mar 04 2021, 11,466 reads


James O'Dea: Conscious Activism
From award-winning author James O'Dea comes a handbook for Sacred Activism, where spiritual insight and radical action meet. O'Dea shares the arc of his own development as both an activist and mystic. He explores what it means to be conscious activists, and what it takes to move beyond rigid belief systems and outdated structures of power and control, and to accelerate the possibilities of collect... posted on Mar 03 2021, 4,593 reads


The World Needs Your Cargo: Kozo Hattori & Sue Cochrane
In July of 2020, beloved ServiceSpace friends Kozo Hattori, and Sue Cochrane, came together for a virtual conversation in the presence of community. Both were navigating stark realities with cancer. Their luminous exchange was threaded with laughter, insight, tender truths, poignant moments and profound life-wisdom. Kozo peacefully "changed address," on March 1st, 2021. His transition came just we... posted on Mar 02 2021, 8,656 reads


Claire Dunn: Nature's Apprentice
Claire Dunn is a guide to the wilds inside and out, and her passion is nature-based human development. Since quitting her job campaigning for the Wilderness Society over a decade ago, she has travelled her own mystical path. She left the confines of the offices, shopping centres and other concrete boxes of modernity to discover something deeper, more instinctive. She spent a year in the bush, whic... posted on Mar 01 2021, 4,706 reads


The Caribou Guardians
High on a forested mountain in northern British Columbia, in the traditional territory of the West Moberly Dunne-za First Nations (WMFN) and Saulteau First Nations (SFN), Starr Gauthier is on patrol with a twelve-gauge shotgun slung over her shoulder and a laptop bag in hand. Starr is a Caribou Guardian charged with tending to the Klinse-za Caribou Maternity Pen built by these First Nations, as pa... posted on Feb 28 2021, 3,134 reads


Mary Oliver & The Witchery of Living
"Will the hungry ox stand in the field and not eat
of the sweet grass?
Will the owl bite off its own wings?
Will the lark forget to lift its body in the air or
forget to sing?
Will the rivers run upstream?

Behold, I say -- behold
the reliability and the finery and the teachings
of this gritty earth gift."

So... posted on Feb 27 2021, 26,209 reads


One Thousand Cranes
Cranes are revered in Japan as mystical creatures and are said to live for a thousand years. A thousand paper cranes are often given to wish for the recovery of a seriously ill person. In this moving video one woman with a traumatic past uses her fingers, eyes and heart to teach young people from difficult backgrounds the skill of origami so that like her they are able to make something beautiful.... posted on Feb 26 2021, 4,346 reads


Be A Blessing
"There is a question rolling around even in the most secular of corners: What do religious people and traditions have to teach as we do the work ahead of repairing, renewing, and remaking our societies, our life together? Krista Tippett's conversation with Rabbi Ariel Burger, a student of the late, extraordinary Elie Wiesel, delves into theological and mystical depths that are so much richer and m... posted on Feb 25 2021, 6,439 reads


Our Memories of Water
"I began asking friends if they had any memorable experiences with water. I was surprised by the blank looks I got. Like almost everyone else, ordinarily my relationship with water was unremarkable--like our relationship with air and sunshine. If instead, I'd started asking people, "Do you have any really memorable experiences of breathing air?" I'd probably have gotten even stranger looks. I have... posted on Feb 24 2021, 2,352 reads


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Quote Bulletin

To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots.
Richard Mabey

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