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All Cats Are Black
"My biggest regret is that I wasn't born beautiful-- there, I've said it."Jenny Jackson delivers these words with captivating candor in this poignant, short film by Green Renaissance. Lacking the experience of warmth and kindness in childhood, Jackson grew into a person she barely recognized. In her forties three words on a sandwich board brought a moment of self-reckoning that ripened over slow y... posted on Mar 16 2021, 4,123 reads


The Defiant Tenderness of Surrender
"There are so many courageous people just making breakfast in the morning, going to work, taking care of their families, trying to do online teaching. Holy God. I mean, I just wish there was a cosmic scorekeeper for all of the billions of people doing their everyday acts of courage. I suspect that what we're looking at in the sky at night aren't stars, they are evidence and markers of all those co... posted on Mar 15 2021, 5,503 reads


Blowing Open the Dusty Windows of Perception
"Certain places -- like where springwater falls over a slickrock ledge, sculpting the land of canyons, or where steam bubbles from dark cauldrons in Yellowstone while bison hunker nearby --have a power to radically alter my state of consciousness, such that suddenly my bodymind re-members the most expansive thoughts, ecstatic feelings, deepest mysteries, or the biggest cosmic questions of my life.... posted on Mar 14 2021, 5,085 reads


Oh For Crying Out Loud
"Death has been visiting my life a lot in this past year. During those times, I have frequently heard Mary Elizabeth Frye's well-known poem, 'Do No Stand At My Grave and Weep.' This morning as I was lolling abed, I began naming my departed-beloveds in my mind, calling their sweet faces to mind and silently speaking their names one by one. This is one of the ways I honor them and deal with their ab... posted on Mar 13 2021, 12,622 reads


The Nature of Plastics
"All plastic begins in a factory. That much we know. But where it goes next remains poorly understood. Only 1 percent of the plastic released into the marine environment is accounted for, found on the surface and in the intestines of aquatic animals. The rest is a little harder to measure. Some presumably washes back ashore. An untold amount settles, sunk by the weight of its new passengers. (One ... posted on Mar 12 2021, 3,136 reads


A Conversation with Americ Azavedo: The Truth Demands to Be Live
For ten semesters, Americ Azevedo's seminar, 'Time, Money, and Love in the Age of Technology,' cultivated in students an awareness of the larger issues that form a context for their lives. He was well qualified. Earlier in his life he was reading a passage from Krishnamurti, "Live the Truth." That same day he stood in front of a room full of trainees, uneasy with his job and its values. He turned ... posted on Mar 11 2021, 2,227 reads


Joining Our Wildernesses
Liz Tichenor was ordained as a priest at 27. Just a few months before her ordination, Tichenor lost her mother to suicide. A year and a half later, her infant son, just 40 days old, died from a likely curable but misdiagnosed medical condition. Her stunning memoir, "Night Lake: A Young Priest Maps the Topography of Grief," shares a story of finding a way forward through searing tragedies, and slow... posted on Mar 10 2021, 6,354 reads


Eldering in the Age of Consumption
"In modern Western society, we want to preserve everything and we want to live forever. We wage war on old age and write songs about being forever young. Because death is seen as no more, no less than the end of the line--something to be held off and resisted--we live in constant fear of it. But to the Celts, death was inextricably intertwined with life. Every month the moon died and was reborn. E... posted on Mar 09 2021, 11,611 reads


All You Need Is Love?
"'Can we dare to think people are kind, and shape organisations around this view?' That's the question Rutger Bregman examines in his latest book 'Humankind', and it's one that anyone involved in youth and community work like me wrestles with on a daily basis. But is Bregman's optimistic analysis grounded in reality?" More in this piece from OpenDemocracy.... posted on Mar 08 2021, 4,724 reads


A Few Words on the Soul
"We have a soul at times.
No one's got it non-stop,
for keeps."
In an article in the New York Times, Edward Hirsch called Wislawa Szymborska "a philosophically inflected poet who investigates large unanswerable questions with terrific delicacy. She pits her dizzying sense of the world's transient splendor against unbearable historical knowledge." Here the Polish Nobel laureate... posted on Mar 06 2021, 7,097 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

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