Everyday Heroes
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The bullets used to kill and maim students at Columbine High School were purchased at K-mart as easily as a pack of gum. Filmmaker, Michael Moore, took two of these students - one paralyzed, in a wheelchair, and one with a bullet still lodged near his heart - to the K-mart headquarters to show them firsthand the effect of their bullets. What was K-mart's reaction? You'll just have to see Michae... posted on Nov 01 2002, 766 reads


Average American is exposed to 254 commercial every day, up nearly 25 percent from since mid-70s. (Source: Media Dynamics, NY)... posted on Oct 18 2002, 925 reads


... posted on Oct 07 2002, 883 reads


An envoy of the exiled Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama, has arrived in Tibet. It is thought to be the first time in 20 years that such a visit has taken place.
... posted on Sep 29 2002, 1,347 reads


Researchers have shown how emotions, such as fear, travel along separate paths through the brain and are more likely to interfere with a person's efforts to focus than simple distractions.
... posted on Sep 07 2002, 733 reads


... posted on Jul 14 2002, 841 reads


... posted on Jun 03 2002, 1,163 reads


In U.K., NetValue reported that there were more emails sent than letters.... posted on May 14 2002, 768 reads


Kevin is ready to be "caught" being kind. He's been hoping all month. That's what happens at Rosewood Elementary School in March. Benevolent spies are everywhere, watching for kindness, catching and rewarding it when a good deed occurs.... posted on May 09 2002, 1,264 reads


War may be raging in the Middle East, but in this New York neighborhood, Jews and Muslims are getting along just fine.
... posted on May 02 2002, 1,236 reads


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