Everyday Heroes
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Officer Eduardo Delacruz refused a sergeant’s order to arrest a homeless man found sleeping in a Manhattan parking garage. He was slapped with 30 days of unpaid suspension. However, the homeless teamed up in support -- they collected 3000 dollars (officer's salary for that month) for Eduardo, most chipping in with nickles and dimes!... posted on Feb 26 2003, 1,072 reads


Kalpana Chawla was the first woman from India to be in space. Two days ago, she passed away when the seven astronauts were killed as space shuttle Columbia broke up in the skies over Texas, 16 minutes before landing.... posted on Feb 04 2003, 1,461 reads


It's hard to believe -- someone walking from Gandhi's grave in India to Kennedy's grave in U.S. But that's Satish! He was Jain monk at 9, left at 18, eventually did the unimaginable walk for peace, founded the Schumacher College, received numerous international accolades, and now, is the editor of Resurgence. Meet Satish Kumar:... posted on Jan 29 2003, 1,217 reads


Are all athletes insensitive and overpaid? Not if you're looking at Delvar Barrett. He's a big -- big-hearted too -- college basketball player who brought his nearly blind mother to college with him, so he could take care of her.... posted on Jan 22 2003, 1,458 reads


Hundreds of thousands around the globe rallied for peace this past weekend. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a Dream" speech was attended by over 200,000 people.... posted on Jan 21 2003, 1,347 reads


... posted on Jan 06 2003, 2,173 reads


... posted on Dec 29 2002, 952 reads


Po Bronson spent two years interviewing 900 people who decided to follow their hearts -- an investment banker who became a catfish farmer, an entertainment lawyer who was a truck driver, a researcher who turned into a chef, a Harvard MBA who became a police officer. In his book, "What should I do with my life?" he notes that money doesn't fund dreams, smarts don't answer the question and attitud... posted on Dec 26 2002, 794 reads


On Christmas Eve 1983, she suddenly lost her father to bladder cancer. Travelling the world to find answers, she came to this realization of life's purpose: love in action. In 1997, she started a nonprofit organization called Airline Ambassadors. In 1999, she was World Woman of Peace. Meet Nancy Rivard.... posted on Dec 21 2002, 1,116 reads


As a child, he was deeply affected by an encounter with famine victims. Now a Nobel prize winner, he has spent a lifetime fighting poverty with analysis rather than activism. Meet Amartya Sen, known in his native India as the Mother Teresa of economics.... posted on Dec 06 2002, 1,700 reads


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