Everyday Heroes
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Helping Children in China
Most of the children arriving at Tim Baker's doorstep, in China were abandoned because of physical problems. When Tim and his wife moved to China 15 years ago to teach English, they also volunteered at a local orphanage. But they wanted to "do more" and so now, Tim is helping build a "children's village" that takes in unwanted babies and gives them a chance at adoption.... posted on Sep 25 2003, 1,408 reads


When 11-year-old Kelly Weil was dying from cancer, she told one of her teachers she was more hurt by the social rejection of her peers than she was by the harsh medical treatments she'd undergone since age 8. She lost her battle against cancer, but out of that pain, a wonderful thing was born. Zink the Zebra was a small story found in Kelly's journal following her death. It's the story of a spot... posted on Sep 20 2003, 1,127 reads


Keegan Rielly turns a crank to propel his arm-powered, 'Scarab' climbing apparatus to take a step forward. He lost the use of his legs in a 1996 car accident. But if you think that's gonna stop him from climbing atop the 12,385-foot Mount Fuji -- Japan's highest peak -- guess again. Last week, this paraplegic had this to say after his climb: "I want to show people what I am able to do. Maybe it... posted on Sep 11 2003, 585 reads


He Gave His Life for Others
He climbed aboard boxcars filled with people and would handout scores of protective passes, then jump from the train and demand that those with Swedish "protection" be allowed off the trains. He built safe houses to keep them away from danger. He would leverage his Swedish diplomat status to alter the course of humanity. In 1944, Raoul Wallenberg saved tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary when ... posted on Sep 05 2003, 1,008 reads


I Don't Know
"I don't know." For a lot of people, those three words can be terrifying. But for Dwarko Sundrani, the last active disciple of Gandhi, they may as well be his favorite words. How did you come to pick Buddha's birthplace as your place of service? I don't know. How do you sustain all these huge projects if you never ask anyone for a donation? I don't know. Dwarko says that it's not his job to know; ... posted on Aug 20 2003, 985 reads


500 Years of Peace
Dr. Ariyaratne is often called the 'Gandhi of Sri Lanka'. Under a tree, he started the 'Saravodaya Sharmadana Movement' for spiritual and material upliftment of the rural Sri Lankans, through their own labor. Today, Dr. Ari's is working with 200,000 people in 12,000 of the 25,000 villages, with some remarkable results. He's got a peace plan, not for 10 or 50 years, but the next 500 years!... posted on Aug 08 2003, 1,861 reads


Exactly 108 years before the tragic World Trade Center bombing in NY -- Sep 11, 1893 -- Swami Vivekananda delivered a stunning speech at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, prompting many interfaith dialogues across Eastern and Western cultures. With just the first five words, he evoked a standing ovation -- "Sisters and Brothers of America".... posted on Jul 18 2003, 995 reads


As teenagers from a rough part of New Jersey, Sampson Davis, Rameck Hunt, and George Jenkins had nothing special going for them except loving mothers (one of whom was a drug user) and above-average intelligence. Their first stroke of luck was testing into University High, one of Newark's three magnet high schools, and their second was finding each other. A decade and a half ago, these three teena... posted on Jun 25 2003, 718 reads


He couldn't button his shirt or tie his shoe laces. Bill Porter wasn't your typical door to door salesman. With cerebral palsy and a crippled body, he was declared ineligible to work or do much of anything else; but his mom was unrelenting in her belief that her son would rise above his limitations. She was right. It took him four false starts before he found the courage to ring the first door ... posted on Jun 19 2003, 999 reads


... posted on Jun 15 2003, 725 reads


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