Everyday Heroes
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... posted on Jan 18 2004, 754 reads


Indivisible Life
... posted on Jan 11 2004, 2,150 reads


Sharing Warmth
For employees in the ski industry, SWAG is an acronym for (free) "Stuff We Always Get." As in, free stuff. But that was until they met Cheryl Jensen. Cheryl's idea was to use the retired uniforms from the ski resorts to bring warmth to the needy in other parts of the world. And so it was. Just this year, SWAG has distributed over 30,000 coats to over a dozen countries including Nepal, Mongolia... posted on Jan 10 2004, 1,164 reads


Seek the Truth
Katharine Gun, a 29 year old woman was working as a translator for British intelligence when she found out that the United States and England were spying on diplomats. At the United Nations in New York, the two countries were wiretapping homes and office telephones along with reading e-mails. The targets were delegations from six countries considered to be pivotal - Mexico, Chile, Angola, Cameroon... posted on Jan 09 2004, 1,269 reads


Universe Surrenders
For nearly nine days after an earthquake demolished her city in Iran, 97-year-old Sharbanou Mazandarani lay trapped under furniture and crumbled masonry, passing fear-filled days and cold nights with death all around. But on Saturday, elated rescuers pulled her out of the rubble alive -- and unhurt! While the doctors said a low metabolism helped her pull through, the petite, wrinkled woman said ... posted on Jan 06 2004, 996 reads


The Living Poem
Michael DeGroote is not a man who uses fancy words. He belongs to none of the right clubs, and isn't all that interested in hanging around with the right people. He made a fortune in trucking and garbage; rough-and-tumble businesses that tend to attract rough-and-tumble characters. And he's just given away $105-million -- the single biggest gift in Canadian history.... posted on Jan 02 2004, 1,096 reads


Only Good News
Germany's top-selling newspaper published nothing but good news on Christmas, dropping its normal fare of crime, violence and scandal for stories about tax cuts, falling petrol prices and accelerating economic growth. "There's only good news today," Bild wrote in two-inch high letters at the top of page one, where the giant headlines are usually devoted to sex scandals, Germany's cannibal trial, k... posted on Dec 30 2003, 1,067 reads


Makes a Difference
... posted on Dec 22 2003, 736 reads


Hundred Dollar Bills
Thirty $100 bills fell out her purse, during a routine shopping trip. Devastated by the big financial loss, Jennifer Walterscheit never expected to find any of it back. But when she got a call from the local police station about it, she was shocked to hear that all but one of them was returned!... posted on Dec 16 2003, 1,111 reads


Live the Questions Now
... posted on Dec 07 2003, 954 reads


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Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.
Abraham Joshua Heschel

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