Everyday Heroes
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Soul in All
... posted on Mar 07 2004, 747 reads


... posted on Feb 23 2004, 693 reads


The Waver
They call him "waver." Ed Carlson has walked 200,000 miles, waving to everyone he met as an expression of his love. In Utah, a judge threatened to fine him $110 or keep him in jail for 10 days. When Carlson said, "I can do what I'm doing in jail as well as free," the judge said, "I forgive you" and set him free. While he walks, he recites: "All love and understanding fills my heart" as he inhal... posted on Feb 20 2004, 956 reads


Impose My Music
The verdict was in -- two and half hours of Opera music. Because Michael Carreras was cruising Miami Beach with loud rap music at 5AM, he appeared in Judge Jeffrey Swartz's court and faced a tough choice: $500 or listen to opera. Michael initially thought it was joke but later opted for opera music. :) "You impose your music on me, and I'm going to impose my music on you," the 54 year old judg... posted on Feb 12 2004, 893 reads


Mystery of Life
... posted on Feb 09 2004, 1,548 reads


More Beautiful Question
... posted on Feb 08 2004, 716 reads


Being Nonviolence
United Nations has declared a global season of nonviolence -- sixty four days between Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi's death anniversary.... posted on Feb 05 2004, 867 reads


Mountains Beyond Mountains
He doesn't accept any excuses to treat the poor. No doctors? He'll train them. High drug prices? He'll get pharmaceutical companies to lower them. Misguided policies? He'll change them. He will hike seven hours over mountainous terrain to visit a single patient, and then fly to Europe to consult with the World Health Organization on global health policy. When he once spent $19,000 to attem... posted on Feb 04 2004, 1,067 reads


Ants of the Planet
... posted on Jan 25 2004, 737 reads


Love Actually
... posted on Jan 19 2004, 2,437 reads


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A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.
Charlotte Bronte

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