Everyday Heroes
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In the Prison Cell
While in the Soviet concentration camp -- where 60 million were killed -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn made a vow to trace back his entire life and remember (and undo) any mistakes he had ever made! The consequence? He wrote a three volume, 1900 page book, all in his head. 'The Gulag Archipelago' was published years later, after his release from the camp, and was, in part, responsible for the fall of ... posted on Apr 13 2004, 1,077 reads


No Straight Lines
In 1927, at the age of 32, he stood on the shores of Lake Michigan, prepared to throw himself into the freezing waters. His first child had died. He was bankrupt, discredited and jobless, and he had a wife and new-born daughter. On the verge of suicide, it suddenly struck him that his life belonged, not to himself, but to the universe. He chose at that moment to embark on what he called "an experi... posted on Apr 08 2004, 1,401 reads


Family To Family
All thanks to a mom reading her morning New York Times, a wealthy community in Hastings is now adopting a poverty stricken town in Illinois, one family at a time. "I said 'What do you need?' And he said, 'I was hoping for a miracle.' And I said, 'Well, I'm not a miracle but what do you need?,' " Koner recalled. "And he said, 'Well our people here the last week of the month, the food pantry runs o... posted on Apr 06 2004, 969 reads


Finding the Indestructible
... posted on Apr 05 2004, 709 reads


We Cannot Do Everything
... posted on Mar 29 2004, 751 reads


Recognizing Opportunities
When his parents weren't around, his teachers collected money to buy him clothes and pay his dental bills. And now he's coming back to return the favor. After Marcus Pimpleton graduated in 2002 with two degrees in music education, he had several teaching offers, but he chose to return to his own Denny Middle School, where 65 percent of the 800 students qualify for free or reduced lunch and more ... posted on Mar 23 2004, 1,005 reads


The Shadow
... posted on Mar 21 2004, 684 reads


Invisible Depths
... posted on Mar 14 2004, 713 reads


'American Willing to Listen'
Fran Peavey sat nervously on a bench in Osaka, Japan, next to a cloth sign that read, "American Willing to Listen." She tried to smile as people approached, checked her out, and then walked away. Thirty minutes passed before the first person, a man who worked in a shoe factory, spoke to her. What, exactly, was she trying to do? he asked politely. She was seeking "a global heart." Fran had sold ... posted on Mar 13 2004, 1,721 reads


China on Two Wheels
Edward Genochio wanted a challenge, a change from the nine-to-five. So he quit his job to cycle 12,000 miles from Exeter to Shanghai for charity. He sets off on Wednesday, on what's expected to be a 240-day trek across a dozen countries. Money raised will aid local development projects in a remote village in rural China, where Edward spent two months in 1999 as part of a research project.... posted on Mar 10 2004, 1,361 reads


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