Everyday Heroes
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92 Year Old Sikh
A 92 year old Sikh man completed the New York City Marathon, enduring taunts of "Hey, Osama Bin Laden" and "Look at Saddam" along the 26 mile route. Fauja Singh's mission was to educate the public about Sikhism, a religion founded in India in 1500s, that requires its followers to wear a turban. "Sikhs are not a part of any other religion. It is its own religion," said Singh. For all the offens... posted on Jun 03 2004, 879 reads


Kind Not Right
... posted on May 30 2004, 775 reads


A Mechanic's Ministry
Slumped over the wheel of a stubborn car that just won't start, many a desperate person has pleaded with God for help. For mechanics Craig Brandenburg and Teang Ie, praying for automotive miracles is just part of the routine. Every weekday the two service a steady stream of cars in their mechanics ministry! They charge on a sliding scale, depending on the income and circumstances of the customer... posted on May 29 2004, 1,043 reads


Music Within You
... posted on May 23 2004, 774 reads


A Returned Wallet
Danny Graves couldn't believe what showed up in the mail. The Cincinnati Reds baseball player lost his wallet and figured he'd never see the credit cards, driver's license, pass to get into ballparks, or the $1400 in cash. But lo and behold, a man who cleaned the team's bus, not only returned the wallet and all its contents by overnight delivery, he even exchanged the cash for traveler's checks ... posted on May 21 2004, 1,132 reads


Video Game Kills Cancel Cells
Nine year old Ben played video games during his lengthy leukemia treatments. After 3.5 years, Ben won his battle but he wanted to help other kids win theirs. So he thought of designing a video game where players kill cancer cells. With the help of Make-A-Wish and Eric Johnston of Lucas Arts, that dream is now a reality. Enter Ben's Game.... posted on May 19 2004, 929 reads


Mother of Thirteen
Susan isn’t a saint. She is far from wealthy. Her husband walked out shortly after the second child was adopted. But somehow -- with no steady income or savings, but with tremendous love, compassion, and dedication -- Susan provides a home and family for children so outwardly damaged, their biological parents can’t or won’t care for them. At 53, Susan is the mother of thirteen, including el... posted on May 11 2004, 2,291 reads


Lungs of a Smoker
When she became a flight attendant, her colleagues told her three things: you are going to meet the most interesting men, travel to exciting places and have the lungs of a smoker, even if you never smoke. The last one struck her. It especially hit her when her colleague, Norma Broin, was daignosed with lung cancer. Patty, immediately, launched a relentless crusade against smoking on airplanes ... posted on May 04 2004, 1,194 reads


Mechanic With an Oil Can
Gandhi called him a "fearless seeker" because he would never turn down a fight. But when Baba Amte saw a finger-less leper dying on the streets, he turned away in panic. Staying true to his nature, not only did he go back to feed that leper but Baba Amte decided to give up his law profession to get trained as a leprosy doctor. During his study, he even allowed his body to be used for experiment... posted on Apr 30 2004, 892 reads


Little Things That Matter
Battling an incurable brain tumor that robbed him of his sight, 9-year-old Mak Shulist made a dying wish that had nothing to do with meeting with a celebrity, shaking a president's hand or going to Walt Disney World. Before his death Friday, Mak got the Make-A-Wish Foundation to do something for his friends -- build a rock-climbing wall on the playground of Ellisville Elementary School. The day a... posted on Apr 15 2004, 953 reads


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