Everyday Heroes
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A Man Who Gave Away His Home To a Family in Need
A 51-year-old man is moving back in with his parents so a homeless family can live in his house instead. Tony Tolbert's offer is good for one full year. According to CBS, the spare bedroom in his childhood home in Los Angeles frequently went to people in need, which inspired his own version of the act. "You don't have to be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Oprah," Tolbert, a Harvard-educated attorne... posted on Jan 06 2013, 48,262 reads


Self-Taught Teen Wows MIT
In Sierra Leone, West Africa, the lights may come on once in a week, with the rest of the month, dark. So, Kelvin Doe made his own battery to power lights in people's houses from recycled parts he found in the trash. He also made his own FM radio transmitter and a generator to power it so that he can give voice to the youth in his country. David Sengeh discovered Kelvin at an innovation camp he ru... posted on Jan 05 2013, 5,475 reads


Rocky Anna: Love Is The Only Currency
Rocky Braat is no one special. He'd tell you that himself his friends say. His emails are full of misspellings and typos. But he has given his life to the love of others. This is a guy who didn't even particularly like kids to begin with. But then he had his heart broken -- open. Today the 30-something-year-old graphic designer from Pittsburgh lives in a cement hut and has dedicated the rest of hi... posted on Dec 27 2012, 4,650 reads


A Neighborhood's Christmas Kindness
On Dec. 1, a neighbor of Melissa Bemis and her family stopped in to tell her a gaily-wrapped package sat on her doorstep. Her two sons, Max, 7 and Mace, 2, were eager to find out what was inside, as was she. The attached card read, "On the first day of Christmas, Secret Santa left for me, games to play instead of watching TV." The anonymous gifting continued through Dec. 12 as "neighborhood elves"... posted on Dec 25 2012, 7,121 reads


Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon
"All over the world grandmothers are forming activist groups to tackle intractable issues: poverty, illiteracy, environmental degradation, disease, injustice and violence. Never before have grandmothers campaigned so vigorously or universally to make the world a better place." Paola Gianturco spent three years interviewing and photographing 120 activist grandmothers across 15 countries on 5 contin... posted on Dec 13 2012, 0 reads


Trevor's Law: The Boy Who Did Not Give Up
At 13 Trevor Schaefer was diagnosed with brain cancer and the world as he knew it changed overnight. Not only did Trevor end up beating the cancer -- he found a calling. Now 22, Schaefer is an inspiring advocate for children with cancer, and the driving force behind "Trevor's Law." This bill now pending in Congress would increase government authority to determine if environmental toxins are respon... posted on Dec 11 2012, 13,349 reads


The Millionaire Janitor
Tyrone Curry won over $3.4 million dollars in the Washington State lottery 5 years ago and still spends his days sweeping the cafeteria floor at Evergreen High School. "I try to make sure it;s spotless and it's ready for the kids,' he says, with a smile on his face. After cleaning, he goes off to his second job -- coaching the track and field team. "Ten years ago, I said if I win some money, I'm g... posted on Dec 10 2012, 6,731 reads


Finding A Job When You Least Expect It
When one woman found herself struggling to make ends meet after being out of work for well over a year, she began an unusual practice to bolster her spirits through a difficult period: she began seeking out opportunities to perform small acts of kindness for strangers. This past November the ripple that ensued from one of her compassionate gestures, circled around to touch her life in an utterly u... posted on Dec 06 2012, 7,526 reads


A Friendship Forged From Forgiveness
"Azim Khamisa smiles when he spots a round-faced man with spectacles striding into a sun-dappled courtyard on the campus of San Diego State University. The two embrace. They're here to deliver an unusual talk, one that, over the years, they have presented to millions of students across the country. Minutes later, inside a warmly lit amphitheater, Khamisa takes the stage. "I'd like to introduce to ... posted on Dec 04 2012, 30,144 reads


The Child Who Plants Gardens to Feed the Hungry
It started with a tiny cabbage seedling that Katie Stagliano, a third grader in South Carolina, took home and tended until it grew to an amazing 40 pounds! Katie donated that cabbage to a local soup kitchen. Now 14, Katie has inspired over 50 gardens in over 20 states that donate thousands of pounds of fresh vegetables to people in need.... posted on Dec 02 2012, 3,631 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Love is first and foremost exemplified by action --by practice -- not solely by feeling.
bell hooks

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